My homes were always a gathering spot for friends and co-workers. At my first house, I had several parties where 50-plus people showed up. I think my record was about 110 people one New Year's Eve. That was the one where someone brought fireworks, and set my backyard on fire (the grass was dormant). It was a very large backyard, and they only burned about 20 percent of the grass.
This has changed over the last ten years. When I moved into my current house, I had a lot of young couples with no kids as neighbors, and we gathered at each other's houses on a regular basis to eat and drink. The started having kids, and all of that changed. Although, for a while, some of the men would sneak out after the kids were in bed, and come to my house. We'd sit on the patio and drink beer for a while.
Now, I have a very friendly relationship with my neighbors, but we don't do anything together -- with the exception of one neighbor. He and I get out to lunch about once a month. He is a gay man with little fashion sense (go figure). We often go shopping after lunch, and he'll pick something out, and ask me what I think.

On the other hand, I like scented candles, and he once commented, "You buy more candles than any
gay man I know."