Recipe Giardiniera (fresh garden) pickles


Forum GOD!
Staff member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
10:04 AM
Caracas, Venezuela
This is a simple, tasty way to pickle vegetables, Italian style. You don't need to stick to the vegetables in the recipe. You can use red bell peppers, cauliflower, turnips - whatever you have to hand.
1 small carrot, cut into rounds
1 stick celery, cut into rounds
1/2 red onion, julienned
Small fennel bulb, sliced thin
Handful if green beans, topped and tailed and cut in half.
1 large clove garlic
tsp black peppercorns
A few sprigs of thyme
Fennel fronds for decoration
tsp salt
tsp sugar
White wine vinegar

  • Heat a pan with salted water to quickly blanch the vegetables. Start with the carrots and celery; one minute later, add the other vegetables. Blanch for about a minute, then drain, shock with cold water and lay the vegetables on kitchen towels to dry out a little.
  • Heat the vinegar with the salt and sugar, until it barely boils.
  • Slice the garlic roughly and add to a large jar, along with the peppercorns and the thyme sprigs. Add the vegetables to the jar; either layer by layer, or alternating colours, or just put the whole lot in there at once. Pour the hot vinegar over the top until the vegetables are covered. Seal and leave for a week or so before consuming.
Giardinera 1.jpg
Giardinera 2.jpg
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Looks beautiful. I'll have to try this. Thank you.

I'm not a big fan of FRESH fennel licorice flavor. Do love fennel seeds in sausage. I add them to my pork chops and sauerkraut dish.
I buy this in food store. I like the one with cauliflower in it.
Sometimes they have those at Big Lots stores in large jars and they're calling it Polish Pickles. It's like $2.99 for 1/2 gallon. I can't pass it up!
The brand I get is spicy. Makes my tongue tingle. LOL, I like hot/spicy (and vinegary) foods in small amounts. My stomach doesn't handle hot/spicy as much as it used to. :sad: Can't eat the same foods I loved, things like buffalo wings. Now I need to have the sauce on the side and dip.
Sometimes they have those at Big Lots stores in large jars and they're calling it Polish Pickles. It's like $2.99 for 1/2 gallon. I can't pass it up!
Get ‘em quick - all the Big Lots are closing!
I'm not a big fan of FRESH fennel licorice flavor. Do love fennel seeds in sausage. I add them to my pork chops and sauerkraut dish.
I buy this in food store. I like the one with cauliflower in it.
That's fair enough. You can use cauliflower instead of the fennel, no problem. And zucchini instead of the green beans, if you want. You can add red or yellow peppers. There's no fixed list of ingredients there.
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