Going meat free for a week

Oh I wasn't meaning meal pictures, just the title of the dish. Mushroom and ricotta ravioli! Are you making your own pasta dough, then?

No from a packet, 2 minutes in simmering water, drain then dress with a light drizzle of olive oil. We will be working 8am-1pm so quick and easy lunch.
This morning's weigh-in, I am 11 stone. We will see where I am and how I feel next Friday :)
This morning's weigh-in, I am 11 stone. We will see where I am and how I feel next Friday :)
How brave of you to publicly declare your weight! But then depending how tall you are, 11 stone isn't really fat or anything. I'm 10 and a half stone (147 pounds or 66kilos) and just about right (I think) at 5ft 8.. Although I'd rather be 10 stone really. You might lose weight on a meat-free diet. But it depends how much you compensate by eating more carbs and fats, I suppose. For example, a ham sandwich (with lean fairly thinly sliced ham) has less calories than a cheese sandwich.
How brave of you to publicly declare your weight! But then depending how tall you are, 11 stone isn't really fat or anything. I'm 10 and a half stone (147 pounds or 66kilos) and just about right (I think) at 5ft 8.. Although I'd rather be 10 stone really. You might lose weight on a meat-free diet. But it depends how much you compensate by eating more carbs and fats, I suppose. For example, a ham sandwich (with lean fairly thinly sliced ham) has less calories than a cheese sandwich.

We are looking to cut down on fat and not lean too heavily on carbs. Basically we both need to cut down on what we eat so this is just 1 way of making a start. I am approx 5ft 7 so not too bad, could be better.
I am curious to know about the reason for going meat free in a week. Health reason? If you are able to accomplish that then maybe never look back again and continue on with the journey. This is a plan that I keep on pushing aside for some reasons. It is a bit of a struggle for me because not everyone in the family would agree.
I am curious to know about the reason for going meat free in a week. Health reason? If you are able to accomplish that then maybe never look back again and continue on with the journey. This is a plan that I keep on pushing aside for some reasons. It is a bit of a struggle for me because not everyone in the family would agree.

We eat a lot of meat which isn't good for us so we want to try and go without for 1 week to see how we get on, I doubt we will continue to be vegetarian but it may encourage us to cut back. Health reasons, yes, we are both over weight and feel sluggish, when we go on holiday we eat little bread and meat and feel fine, we come back home eat meat and bread and feel sluggish so this is a trial to see if we are right.
Someone was cooking bacon this morning as we left for work, the smell was heavenly :hungry:
I am curious to know about the reason for going meat free in a week. Health reason? If you are able to accomplish that then maybe never look back again and continue on with the journey. This is a plan that I keep on pushing aside for some reasons. It is a bit of a struggle for me because not everyone in the family would agree.
Its funny though, people say they don't like vegetarian food yet there will happily eat a pizza (for example) with cheese, garlic, herbs, mushrooms etc. or what about mac 'n cheese? And there are tons of pasta recipes without meat. Perhaps you could just have one meat free meal a week without mentioning it! Also, you could do fish but not meat... pescetarian?
How brave of you to publicly declare your weight! But then depending how tall you are, 11 stone isn't really fat or anything. I'm 10 and a half stone (147 pounds or 66kilos) and just about right (I think) at 5ft 8.. Although I'd rather be 10 stone really. You might lose weight on a meat-free diet. But it depends how much you compensate by eating more carbs and fats, I suppose. For example, a ham sandwich (with lean fairly thinly sliced ham) has less calories than a cheese sandwich.
"Although a bread's variety and size of slice affect its caloric value, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that a slice of white bread contains 74 calories, while a slice of whole-wheat bread has 81 calories. Sliced, luncheon meat-style ham contains 46 calories per slice, and a single slice of low-fat American cheese has 38 calories. One tablespoon of light mayonnaise has 36 calories, and a teaspoon of yellow prepared mustard has 3 calories. If your ham sandwich is built with two slices of white bread, four slices of ham, two slices of cheese, a tablespoon of mayo and a tablespoon of mustard, the sandwich contains 447 calories. The same sandwich on whole-wheat bread has 461 calories. The ham and cheese are significant sources of protein and fat. A single slice of ham has 4.7 grams of protein and 2.4 grams of fat, while a single slice of cheese has 5.2 grams of protein and 1.5 grams of fat."

  1. The website FitDay notes that a typical grilled cheese sandwich made with two slices of white bread, margarine and 26 grams of processed American or cheddar cheese contains 291 calories, including 142 calories from fat, and only 1.2 grams of fiber.

I don't know what sliced luncheon meat style ham is (sounds horrible). Nor do I know what low-fat American cheese is (perhaps that rubbery slice put on burgers?). As you know @classic33 (:D) I am talking about British sandwiches with good old Cheddar. And I'm not talking about adding mayo to the ham sandwich, which would obviously up the Kcals.
I don't know what sliced luncheon meat style ham is (sounds horrible). Nor do I know what low-fat American cheese is (perhaps that rubbery slice put on burgers?). As you know @classic33 (:D) I am talking about British sandwiches with good old Cheddar. And I'm not talking about adding mayo to the ham sandwich, which would obviously up the Kcals.

I love cheese and mayo but both are fatty so we keep our consumption low.

For dinner last night my husband made a very hearty minestrone soup, he has made this a few times before but this time he added sweet potato and the stalks from stem broccoli. It was delicious, so we have eaten meat free meals just not a whole week.

We bought a lot of veg yesterday so today he is going to make some veggie soups for the freezer so we don't waste anything.
Breakfast this morning was a vegetable omelette

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