Lynne Guinne
Hello. I'm Lynne and I'm a cooking addict. I've heard that this is the meeting place for others with the same condition - and that none of us want to be "cured". Curing ingredients, however, is perfectly acceptable.
If you have a smart phone with a camera you should be able to take great photos.Thank you all for your welcomes. morning glory, I'll be happy to let you know what was for dinner on a night we don't have leftovers.At least they were good leftovers. I'll post photos, too, once I figure that sort of thing out. Learning curve here, and I'm not the one in the family with the tech skills.
morning glory, I have a great smart phone with an excellent camera. Except it's a new phone and has a learning curve of its own! That, plus the "Dropbox" feature seems to work differently than my previous smart phone. New gadgets, new things to figure out. First World Problems, right?