Greetings from North East England


6 May 2016
Local time
4:07 PM
North East England
Hi everyone, I'm a middle aged male from England who loves food and I spend a lot of time writing about it when I'm not cooking it.

I have loved cooking my whole life and was a professional chef for more than 12 years and trained in classical French cuisine at catering college as well as training in British cooking at home with my mother who loved to cook too. I have worked as a chef in many types of environment including hotels, restaurants/ bistros, pubs, outside catering, retail and even private health care and educational establishments.

I left catering to enrol in, then successfully graduate from, a three year full time business management course at University when I was 28.

Now I'm no longer a paid chef I find I enjoy cooking even more now that I do it for fun and relaxation rather than to pay the bills - professional kitchens can be so stressful sometimes.

I enjoy just about any foods out there and will try anything once - I feel a sense of adventure when it comes to food is something very important. If you don't try different foods when you have the opportunity you can miss out on so many wonderful experiences you may never have the chance to try again - try it when you can, at least the worst case scenario is you can speak with authority when you say, "I tried that but didn't care for it."

I look forward to meeting you all and hope to become a valuable member of the forum.

If you have any questions or comments as I post more please don't hesitate to let me know.

Peace :)
Hi everyone, I'm a middle aged male from England who loves food and I spend a lot of time writing about it when I'm not cooking it.

I have loved cooking my whole life and was a professional chef for more than 12 years and trained in classical French cuisine at catering college as well as training in British cooking at home with my mother who loved to cook too. I have worked as a chef in many types of environment including hotels, restaurants/ bistros, pubs, outside catering, retail and even private health care and educational establishments.

I left catering to enrol in, then successfully graduate from, a three year full time business management course at University when I was 28.

Now I'm no longer a paid chef I find I enjoy cooking even more now that I do it for fun and relaxation rather than to pay the bills - professional kitchens can be so stressful sometimes.

I enjoy just about any foods out there and will try anything once - I feel a sense of adventure when it comes to food is something very important. If you don't try different foods when you have the opportunity you can miss out on so many wonderful experiences you may never have the chance to try again - try it when you can, at least the worst case scenario is you can speak with authority when you say, "I tried that but didn't care for it."

I look forward to meeting you all and hope to become a valuable member of the forum.

If you have any questions or comments as I post more please don't hesitate to let me know.

Peace :)
Wow - you know your stuff. Welcome from sunny [at the moment] county Durham :welcome:
Welcome to the forum. :welcome: I look forward to your contributions as I'm fanatical about cooking and think about it day and night! I've been on a steep learning curve here (which you will not need to do, given your experience). Jump in and get your feet wet by posting a recipe for theThe CookingBites Recipe Challenge. Its all a load of fun... any recipe for Chicken, which is the current featured ingredient. :D
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Welcome Brian, I look forward to your posts and to you answering a question or two that I might have about some foods or cooking dilemmas.
I do love to cook didn't always. but as I got older I cooked like my mom did. No recipes.. I use them now a lot of times because I want everything to come out the same as when I created it or first cooked it. so usually will follow one unless I know it well enough to make it by memory. I have a few like that but am always looking for something new and usually cooking 1 to 3 new dishes a week. I like to grill a lot and considering where we live I can grill out most of the year. also love smoking meats. I like to salt water brine turkey wings and smoke them, to use in beans and soups in place of ham hocks. people really can't tell the difference if you get them good and smokey, unless you tell them. Anyway Welcome Glad to have a or another Chef available to answer questions.
Hi and welcome to CookingBites.


And apologies for the late welcome, I am currently uprooting from NW England to SE Australia and add such rather busy at home at the moment and treating my hair out in the kitchen because I've had to give away a bootload of herbs & spices, mostly spices, dried pulses and flours of all sorts along with anything and everything else you can imagine and have 2 small knives, 2 sporks, 3 wooden spoons, 3 teaspoons and 2 small pans left. I keep turning around to pick up something and it's not there, then I'm left trying to wrack my brains as to what else can be used in its place! Cooking has become difficult and soon to get harder when the fridge and freezer go at the end of the week!

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