Hand labelling food

Goddam it Tasty I’ve just ordered myself a propelling pencil.
I could never use a propelling pencil. Broke far too many leads. My teachers used to try and persuade me not to press on the paper so hard... but they failed. You could read what I'd written about 3 pages further on.
I’m left handed so that chucks that one out the window 😂
But I think doing a lot of art in my younger days made me develop a light touch.
The aim of a lot of it was to produce things as perfectly as possible and leave them looking like they were “untouched by human hand” which is a bit of a contradiction for things that are ‘handmade’ but that’s the difference between good handmade and bad.

Maybe if you went for a 0.7 ‘lead’ rather than a 0.5 you might have more luck.
Then again if your writing goes through three pages then probably not 😆
I’m left handed so that chucks that one out the window 😂
But I think doing a lot of art in my younger days made me develop a light touch.
The aim of a lot of it was to produce things as perfectly as possible and leave them looking like they were “untouched by human hand” which is a bit of a contradiction for things that are ‘handmade’ but that’s the difference between good handmade and bad.

Maybe if you went for a 0.7 ‘lead’ rather than a 0.5 you might have more luck.
Then again if your writing goes through three pages then probably not 😆
I drew and painted quite well all my life. It was recognized at an early age I had talent.

We did a poll several years ago and found we have a high percentage of lefties in this forum. Not all of them are still around though and we've newer people now as well.
I drew and painted quite well all my life. It was recognized at an early age I had talent.
So you must be able to write with a light hand then?
Or is it one of those things where it belongs in a different box?

We did a poll several years ago and found we have a high percentage of lefties in this forum. Not all of them are still around though and we've newer people now as well.
They believe that being left handed means you’re more prone to creative and visual spatial thinking and cooking is creative so I suppose there would be a disproportionate number 🤷‍♀️
I'm not that old, but my school was and every single desk had ink wells and usually a lot of ink stains. It was 1991 before my school allowed biros
My mother used to get frustrated when I returned from school with ink stains in my shirt pocket. Those old Esterbrooks weren't that well made nor are primary school pupils that careful. :wink: My first "biro" was a Paper Mate made by a company still making ball point pens. I have a paper mate pen on my desk right now.
So you must be able to write with a light hand then?
Or is it one of those things where it belongs in a different box?

They believe that being left handed means you’re more prone to creative and visual spatial thinking and cooking is creative so I suppose there would be a disproportionate number 🤷‍♀️
I can write with a light hand, yes, but I still tend to break mechanical pencil leads for some reason. I don't write hard with a pen unless the ink is too thick or isn't flowing properly (or running out LOL).
I can write with a light hand, yes, but I still tend to break mechanical pencil leads for some reason. I don't write hard with a pen unless the ink is too thick or isn't flowing properly (or running out LOL).
I started writing my son’s birthday card last week with a faulty biro.
I really didn’t want to change pen halfway through so I wrote harder and harder to try and force it into submission.
It had other ideas so I had to change to a different pen which irked me because the inks looked different and then I got to see the writing backwards embossed on the reverse of the card, it was a bit of a mess.
Not my finest card writing moment.
My hand hurt for quite sometime 😂
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