Happy to be here!


Senior Member
16 Feb 2019
Local time
4:58 PM
Hi guys,

I'm from England but currently living in Spain - love many kinds of foods and I'm increasingly interested in the nutritional value of foods and how they contribute to the human body/ overall health.
I don't cook as much as I should/ want to, but that's down partly to lack of inspiration and so inspired is what I'm hoping to be as a member of this page!

I recently joined a 'back to basics' gardening course too, to learn how to grow my own food!

Looking forward to reading your posts!
Hi @FoodEnergetics and welcome to CookingBites.:welcome: Please feel free to join in any of our discussions or start new threads. You could tell us what you ate today in our regular thread here.

We also generally have some fun challenges - see Competitions & Challenges, Questions & Quizzes. We are a fairly 'low traffic' forum and so it doesn't take long to get to now all our most frequent members.

Spanish food and produce is wonderful - and Spain has some of the best restaurants in the world. What sort of food do you enjoy eating/cooking?
Thank you @morning glory for your welcome and responses!

The great thing about Spain is that even in the larger supermarkets, a lot of the fresh produce was grown locally.

What sort of food do I enjoy eating?! That's difficult to pinpoint but easy to answer in that I like all sorts of foods. I've not long eaten a Thai curry, cooked by my friend, after shopping at the local Asian market for lime leaves, lemon grass, curry paste, jasmine rice etc.
I tend to cook meals without a recipe, but based on the nutritional content of the ingredients - so, quinoa with chicken stock and avocado, together with whatever else I may have at home at the time. I recently discovered Transilvanian food too, which in my book, could be considered one of the best food types in the world - stuffed cabbage (toltott kaposzta), grilled aubergine (vinetta) and grilled minced sausages (mici). I also love Lebanese food!
Thank you @morning glory for your welcome and responses!

The great thing about Spain is that even in the larger supermarkets, a lot of the fresh produce was grown locally.

What sort of food do I enjoy eating?! That's difficult to pinpoint but easy to answer in that I like all sorts of foods. I've not long eaten a Thai curry, cooked by my friend, after shopping at the local Asian market for lime leaves, lemon grass, curry paste, jasmine rice etc.
I tend to cook meals without a recipe, but based on the nutritional content of the ingredients - so, quinoa with chicken stock and avocado, together with whatever else I may have at home at the time. I recently discovered Transilvanian food too, which in my book, could be considered one of the best food types in the world - stuffed cabbage (toltott kaposzta), grilled aubergine (vinetta) and grilled minced sausages (mici). I also love Lebanese food!

That sounds like a great mixture of cuisines - we have a lot of fans of Asian food here (me included). I love the idea of Transylvanian food. The only thing I associate with Transylvania, to my shame, is dracula!
That sounds like a great mixture of cuisines - we have a lot of fans of Asian food here (me included). I love the idea of Transylvanian food. The only thing I associate with Transylvania, to my shame, is dracula!

haha I think the majority of people make that same association!
Hi @FoodEnergetics

Welcome to CookingBites :welcome:

Whereabouts on Spain are you? My parents are over in Tenerif where they own an apartment but they are going to be selling it soon.

I'm originally from the UK as well, but currently living in Australia where I live rurally and also try to grow much of my own food.

Once you settle down and have found your way around, we have a small area of the forum set aside for growing and preserving your own food. I used to grow all of our own vegetables but have found new challenges in Australia. Luckily the area I live in now doesn't have possums who are worse than rabbits, deer and kangaroo combined because they eat more than rabbits and can climb at the same time. Nothing is safe from the wildlife here! Rosellas have destroyed my entire crop from 18 fruit trees. I got no apples or pears and only a handful of ripe apricots. The soft stoned fruit crop failed totally because of leaf curl which is killing the trees sadly!

Anyhow, welcome and please jump straight in. If you have any problems using the site, we also have a site support forum where you can read the how to guides or post questions.

(Site Owner)
Brilliant - thanks guys.

I'm about an hour away from Malaga.

I'll definitely be taking a look at the 'growing your own' forum :) and Russ, thanks for offering to help!

I can imagine that in Australia everything gets eaten by wildlife - not ideal!I'm quite a novice in growing my own fruit and veg, but this year will be making it a priority. The gardening workshop I attended also highlighted the specific challenges of the Mediterranean climate so no doubt I'll have some struggles myself...
My cooking has grown leaps and bounds. I'm trying dishes that I would have never tried, hell, or even thought of.

Thanks @detroitdad! That's exactly the issue for me usually - lack of ideas. I tend to cook the same/ similar foods over and over again. I looked at the previous cooking challenges here yesterday and was inspired by the recipes there! Let's see how my cooking comes along :)
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Since joining this forum I have made a baked chicken with a spicy banana curry sauce. A crab wonton soup with some of the best ginger/radish broth that I have ever eaten. Several Thai Red curry paste dishes, beef stew with a red wine sauce, several fantastic Moroccan dishes (one of which won a challenge). This is just some of the stuff that I have cooked over the last year.

Embrace the variance (a poker saying) and have a ton of fun.
wow - spicy BANANA curry sauce! not bad haha
Did you manage that in any kind of monitored way or did you just cook as and when you were inspired? I'm thinking about trying to set a goal of learning one new recipe a month, which I think is feasible, which will then build up my recipes profile :)
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