The reason some people get hundreds of dollars is because they have a lot of children. In my area, people with no children can still get food stamps, and they will be allotted 86$ a month. That's around 21$ a month. So the $29 is being generous. People want to complain about the poor having a fridge full of gourmet food. That joke comes from a very dark place in someone's soul that would have us leave starving poor people to fend for themselves in a country that has made it illegal to grow a grade in certain places or hunt and kill your own food unless you want to spend money on a hunting license, or fishing license. I hunt and have a garden, but I live in the middle of no where, 30 minutes from the nearest town. If I lived in a city, where doing anything you can to feed your starving family is illegal, I don't know if me and mine would be able to survive. Just because someone's idea of utopia doesn't include starving families, it doesn't make them less real.
There are people who get hundreds of dollars in food stamps without huge amounts of children. I don't begrudge anyone needed food. I know families who have several children and receive a large amount of food stamps and can afford good food. Those are the people who work hard when they can, and do for themselves.They use the system for support when they need it, which is how it was designed. i don't have a problem with those who are genuinely struggling, and need a hand up.
I do have a problem with welfare cheats, though. Most taxpayers I know are struggling to put food on their tables and keep a roof over their heads, and I don't approve of people making the lives of those people more difficult, because they're being taxed to death to provide for cheaters. I've been in need a time or two, and have witnessed it. I've also worked within the system, so I know some of what goes on. I don't know exactly how they do it, because my mind doesn't work that way, but there are people who seem to get a thrill from gaming the system at the expense of others, and they're really good at it. I don't know if you've encountered them or not, but I can promise you, they exist. I've seen them, and have encountered them when I was in need. Those are the people most mean when they complain about the 'poor' having a fridge full of gourmet food. I put it in quotes, because we all know they aren't really poor, and they're taking away from those who are legitimately in need.
I agree with you regarding the government regulating us to death, and preventing us from doing many things that could enable us to be more independent. No one without children qualifies for food stamps here, unless s/he has a very low income threshold, which would mean living with others sharing the rent, not paying rent, or living in subsidized housing, which is impossible to get into, unless you go to the gang-infested areas. The people I know who have a problem with the cheats realize that there are real people in need, and they have no problem with their tax dollars helping those people. Those families in need are often the children or grandchildren of those same people, since many of the jobs the parents and grandparents were able to support families on no longer exist.