Has anyone ever been addicted to drinking a lot of Water?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
12:21 PM
Brighton, MA.
I think that I'm starting to get that feeling again! last time that i had it, was when I became a diabetic. I still have it in some way. I'm off insulin & just take Metformin. But as of late, I've been drinking a lot or water. it is supposed to be good for you, but too much of it at a time can shut down your electrolytes & become dangerous to your health! But how can something that's supposed to be so good for you become so dangerous?!! I don't know! Oh, & I lost some weight, but I don't have to take insulin shots now. :scratchhead:
It's all context and dosage GG. Water is essential therefore it's good for you, but you can also drown in water or like you say can compromise electrolyte balance, so if your drinking more make sure your getting enough salt in your diet. Most people get more than enough. If someone ate a whole food diet where everything was basically in it's natural form and drank lots of water then there might be a compromise in electrolyte balance, otherwise probably not. Of course athletes that are engaged in exercise or sport that causes a lot of perspiration will generally use a Gatorade type product.
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To get problems with water you have to drink a lot. Here are some tips I follow: don't drink to much carbonated water, as it can be bad to your stomach. Drink your 2 liters/67oz divided in 50ml/1.6oz portions over the day. Water shouldn't be drinked only in cold temperatures, room temperature is much better for your stomach.
To get problems with water you have to drink a lot. Here are some tips I follow: don't drink to much carbonated water, as it can be bad to your stomach. Drink your 2 liters/67oz divided in 50ml/1.6oz portions over the day. Water shouldn't be drinked only in cold temperatures, room temperature is much better for your stomach.
You must have a shot glass in your Every Day Carry. :okay:
I'm sorry to be saying this, but I think you need to see a doctor GadgetGuy . Losing weight and excessive thirst indicate a problem when it comes to diabetes. Just get it checked out to be sure.

Too much water flushes out the minerals and salts you get from it, rendering it useless and dehydrating you. I know all about it due to having no colon. So if you're addicted to drinking water, even if it's not your diabetes, it might be your kidneys playing up or something else causing issues. Please get it checked :hug:
how can something that's supposed to be so good for you become so dangerous?!! I don't know!
I think the old adage "a little bit of what you fancy does you good" is applicable here. TOO MUCH of anything can be harmful - there was a story in the press some years ago about a bloke who died from drinking too much carrot juice - 6 litres a day. General advice suggests 6-8 glasses a day; others say about 2 litres.
However, Windigo´s suggestion is very important. I´d go and visit your doctor.
I never knew that salt is in water!! I HAVE spoken to my doc on this & he sees no problem as long as I keep a check on my weight & AC1 levels. he also says to eat in smalls amount throughout the day, which helps to keep from gaining too much. And I use salt veruy scarcely when I cook. If you came over to eat, & you were a saltaholic, you'd be sprinkling salt on your plate of the food that I cook! :whistling:
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I never knew that salt is in water!! I HAVE spoken to my doc on this & he sees no problem as long as I keep a check on my weight & AC1 levals. he also says to eat in smalls amount throughout the day, which helps to keep from gaining too much. And I use salt veruy scarcely when I cook. If you came over to eat, & you were a saltaholic, you'd be sprinkling salt on your plate of the food that I cook! :whistling:
I'm glad to hear it , in that case I won't know why you need to drink so much. But yes, minerals are a form of salt and a very important thing that comes from drinking water.
I love water. I drink it throughout the day. I keep a cup by my bed at night. I pee a lot, lol. My bloodwork always comes out fine, I see my doctor 2x a year.
I am glad to hear that you did consult your physician. The question you need to ask is how much water you should drink each day. It varies from person to person depending on your weight and your underlying medical conditions.
It is the underlying medical conditions that really impact the amount of water you need.
I am glad to hear that you did consult your physician. The question you need to ask is how much water you should drink each day. It varies from person to person depending on your weight and your underlying medical conditions.
It is the underlying medical conditions that really impact the amount of water you need.

Don't forget physical activity and surrounding temperatures. Runners need a lot more water than couch potatoes, like me. My fingers get a good workout on the keyboard, but I don't think that counts as exercise. :laugh:

True. That is why a discussion with his physician on his personal requirements is essential.
Yup. Due to having no colon I need at least 2.5 liters of water a day as opposed to the recommended 1.5 liters a day. And I need double the amount of salt for a normal adult woman, plus electrolyte drinks a couple times a week. As instructed by my GI.
Different medical conditions can affect your water needs
I love water. I drink it throughout the day. I keep a cup by my bed at night. I pee a lot, lol. My bloodwork always comes out fine, I see my doctor 2x a year.

So would you frequent a shop like this... London now has a shop dedicated solely to bottled water with £120 bottles

A water sommelier opening a shop selling nothing but bottled water ranging from £2.50/$3.30 to £120/$160 per bottle... personally think you have to really love water to want to match your water to your meal etc
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