Legendary Member
I usually keep cheese in whatever packaging it came in (or wrap it in the same type), although I have in the past wrapped it in a heavy grade greaseproof/parchment paper but found it dried out before I finished the cheese. Cheddar cheese wrapped in resealable plastic pouches seems to sweat if you can't get it in the fridge PDQ. In fact some the milkman delivered the other morning was decidedly soft - it had only been out of his van fridge for a few minutes before I put it in my fridge - although the weather was pretty much hotter than usual. At one time (about 50 years ago) all cheese was cut and then wrapped in brown paper which used to keep it pretty well. I can't recall whether that paper was waxed, but I know we didn't even have a fridge. Mum used to buy her cheese weekly. The longest I have ever kept Cheddar cheese was about six months - It was a catering pack which took up most of the width and half the depth of my fridge (a quarter or more of a whole Cheddar cheese). It was bought in a block, came direct from the dairy where it was manufactured, and was wrapped in thick polythene. and it kept really well - much better than the small pieces you buy in a supermarket - and only had a slight white bloom on it at the end of the six months. I occasionally buy other hard cheeses and they are kept in the same packaging they came in. Other than that, I often make paneer/ricotta/cottage type cheeses as and when I need them, as these only last a few days at most. But you have reminded me I have a nice chunk of Stilton ripening in the fridge.....