Have you ever cooked an edible weed?

Not cooked, but as youngsters we used to often chew a leaf found in the hedgerows, it had a sharp almost bitter taste, I think it was a type of sorrel.

Probably 'bread and cheese' - per Richard Mabey's Food For Free - either wood sorrel or common sorrel
I'm sure that this is a weed which my wife occasionally cooks.

Lost husband.

lost husband s.jpg
I used to grow a few rows of lettuce mixes, and one year a mesculun mix came with Chervil seeds. I cultivated a few plants out of the mix as it grew, and planted several Chervil plants every year in extra spaces.. When the neighborhood kids would spy into my herb and veggie garden (often picking my raspberries and grapes clean), I would tell them to try the licorice candy plant.
They loved it. The kids couldn't believe that the simple leaf of a Chervil plant l; what would otherwise look like a weed, could taste so good.

I hope the leaders of the little theiving sh!ts eventually try some bad mushrooms, but otherwise, fun was had by all.
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