Yes, I've hitch-hiked both with the man who is now my husband and also alone.
I can remember one year (on new years day) we were on top of Buachaille Etive Mòr in very icy conditions (it was ice axes and crampons time) and it was snowing hard with the light fading... We needed off the mountain by a much easier route than the one we had planned so we had no option but to take our escape route which lead us off the mountain quickly and easily but in the wrong direction,. We were heading away from our car! But it lead us to a road, though single track and not very busy. It didn't matter another group where also heading off the mountain by that route and commented that they had seen us having down another way. We explained the situation and they agreed to drop us off at the main road (A82). From there we were able to get a lift back to where our car was from another motorist, not that there were many on new years day but I have found it easier to get a lift on significant holiday dates (Christmas day, St Stephens day, new years day) than some others.
I've also picked up hitch-hikers as well, the last one being last summer (back in February when we were having record temperatures). I was driving over to a friends place and I had only just set out when I turned off the roundabout leading out of town and spotted an older gentleman at the side of the road with some large parcels. I thought what the chickens (thanks auto correct that was meant to be dickens) and thought well despite the wheelchair in the boot, I'd be able to fit them in to the car without a problem and pulled over onto the rough grass to the side of the road. It was all over 35C already that day and he had no shade... I felt awful leaving him where our routes apparently parted and where he wanted (it was the middle of nowhere literally) but he was happy I had taken him as far as I had and I didn't know the area very well... 6 months on and I now know I could have taken him to his destination with only a 20-30km diversion for me

bit I didn't know that then. It turned out he was a local artist (rough dirty clothes to go with the occupation) and couldn't drive because of being profoundly deaf. He had an exhibition coming up and was moving his painting 4 or 5 at a time to the exhibition.
Others we have picked up over the years have been from youth hostels where they have advertised on noticeboards, which is how we have usually hitch-hiked and one from the side of the sliproad off the A3 onto the M25 on new years day...
We've never felt threatened by any of them.
As for acting on stage, this may surprise you all, but yes I have. Many years ago both at school (where it was compulsory) and after being randomly approached by a man who turned out to be the director of the play who was searching for a red headed teenage girl for the lead role! That was the last time i acted. It's not my cup of tea but began my friend who was very jealous (and with me at the time) and the director, I got talked into it...
You DO signal before driving, don't you
No, not always. I only signal where there is something to signal to (vehicle, bike or pedestrian). If there is nothing around to signal to, I don't bother. Roads here are quite quiet and roos don't comprehend vehicles let alone indicators... But the one that redesigned the front passenger side of my car did destroy my indicator assembly completely which flashed my car up for a mandatory recall it had not had with its only other owner so we had that bit replaced free of charge!....