Hello Everyone!


Über Member
11 Sep 2015
Local time
4:30 AM
I am so very excited about being here. My name is Dorothy and I love learning new things when it comes to cooking and maybe can even share some of mine!!
I am so very excited about being here. My name is Dorothy and I love learning new things when it comes to cooking and maybe can even share some of mine!!
Hi there, Dorothy. Welcome. We are a friendly bunch. :welcome:. We also have a lot of fun. :laugh:

I notice you put n/a for your location. Can I persuade you to tell us? It doesn't have to be specific, just a country. But perhaps you are nomadic, in which case you would have to keep changing it all the time! :D

The reason I say this is because a lot of times people mention things referring to ingredients or they say 'I can't get that here' and you don't know where 'here' is! So it really helps to know the country. We have such a brilliant mix of countries here, UK, Philippines, Japan, Kenya, Australia, Canada, USA, Caribbean, Italy.... there must be more. I may start a thread on the topic!
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Hi Dorothy

Welcome to CookingBites


Where are you from? It helps if we know which country you are in because chips here are not the same chips as in the USA and life can get awfully confusing even with ingredient names. If you have a peep here you will see what I mean https://www.cookingbites.com/threads/uk-to-us-us-to-uk-definitions.5138/ The list has over 300 entries in it and that is just for the UK-US and US-UK... I haven't even started on other countries!
Hello Dorothy and welcome to Cooking Bites! :) You will really enjoy your stay in this forum and you will surely learn a lot things and ideas from all the members of this site. Nice to meet you :)
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