Hello from Burnley


2 Mar 2017
Local time
3:58 PM
I'm male, aged 66 and I live in Burnley, Lancashire, north west England

When I left school I started working as a lab technician, working up the greasy pole to become a Project Leader in the product development department of a large food company - you've seen the pack copy & nutritional breakdown on packets of food, well part of my job was to calculate and write that.
Besides that, my Mum taught me to cook, and I have always been interested in food & cookery, and tried to cook & eat well

I was made redundant when I was 47 and retrained as a chef; although that sounds quite grand I then worked as a cook in an old people's home - just plain British grub, nothing fancy

After a while I started to suffer from depression, and was glad when retirement came. I couldn't be bothered with cooking any more. I gave away most of my clothing ('whites' ) and knives & equipment

I have an HNC in Applied Biology and NVQ3 in Catering, so I like to think that I know a bit more about diet & nutrition than most people, but I have almost deliberately forgotten most of the cookery that I learned.

Now I've started to become interested again - so here I am!
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Hi & Welcome

That's quite an intro! I never quite completed my PhD in Organic Chemistry but have a lot of lab training and did time a quality control lab in a bonded warehouse! How anyone who worked there was every allowed to drive home was always beyond me, but it was a great cure for athletes foot! (for those who have not yet worked this out, there were lots of spillages and breakages and drainage was limited because of what it all was... Spirits of every type. It was not uncommon to be standing a couple of inches deep in mixed spirits for your entire shift when working on the production lines where I started until someone found out that I was doing my degree in Chemistry, hot factories and spirits only have one outcome... the headaches lasted for weeks after we stopped working there).

Anyhow - you are more than welcome to start any thread you want on nutrition or nutritional analysis... I am trying at the moment to establish how I work out (without the aid of a lab) the calorie content of homemade almond milk. I have finally established that you can't make homemade almond milk yogurt from shop bought almond milk. I am not sure what gets put into it, but it actually gets thinner with fermentation not thicker which is odd... I'm still looking for an explanation, but also about to make up (overnight soaking of almonds is tonight) some almond milk to make my own almond milk yoghurt which typically is a lot lower calorie content than soya milk yoghurt which can be made from shop bough soya milk... anyhow - that's shop talk and this is a hello and welcome post...

Burnley - we have quite a few 'northerners' here... my husband is from the Oldham area, I'm just from anywhere west coast and rural really... I moved around too much. Just before we came out to Australia (to live even more remotely than almost all places I have lived in the UK including the most remote parts of mainland England and mainland Scotland) we were in the process of purchasing a house out near to Buscough in Lancashire. It wasn't really remote enough for us just being a row of terraces on the canal but it was all that fitted the criteria for my husband and work.

Right - Welcome and post away. We have a competition running at the moment - recipes involving Spinach or any similar greens depending on what's available in your part of the world and there is a spice of the month recipe as well... You are more than welcome to set up a vitamin/mineral of the month thread if you want to. It was something I have been intending on getting done, but never quite found the time to do...


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