Hello from Florida


Senior Member
27 Nov 2018
Local time
12:00 PM
Hello Everyone! I just stumbled across this site and decided to stick my head in and see what's going on!

I have worked in many kitchens over the years and have held pretty much every position possible. My family heritage of restaurant work goes back as far as I have been able to trace. I currently work in IT, but my love for food and cooking is one of the primary drivers in my life.

When I left my last restaurant gig in '07, I thought I knew a lot about food, cooking, and the restaurant industry. In the last 11 years I realized how wrong I was. I am now a forever student of the culinary arts and strive to learn as much as I possibly can about different techniques, ingredients, and recipes from all over the world.

I look forward to interacting with the people in this community and sharing a love for food.

Welcome to CookingBites @Planethoff :welcome:. We aim to be a friendly and supportive forum and we love new members! Please feel free free to join in our discussions or start a new thread. You could tell us what you cooked or ate today in our regular thread: What did you cook, eat or drink today (November 2018)? And we usually have some challenges running - see here: The CookingBites Challenges.

Your professional experience sounds great - I'm just a fanatical home chef but like you I'm a forever student. I hope you have fun here.
@Planethoff: I'm glad you found us! What sort of cuisine (or cuisines) do you prefer? Very interested in what you have to share.

My grandparents on my mother's side had a Polish-American restaurant and on my Father's side a Polynesian restaurant. My parent's had a basic luncheonette and family restaurant. I cut my teeth in Italian restaurants and apprenticed under an Italian chef until moving to California. There I worked with Mexican and Californian Health Foods. I also did a short stint in Spain.

I would say Mexican is still my favorite and the one I like to make the most. However, after living in Florida for over 15 years, I have been opened up to Southern BBQ, Soul food, Cuban, and Floribbean. I like to dive into South American, Indian, Thai, Chinese, and Vietnamese, but am still pretty rudimentary in those, and I recently have finally started playing around with the French classics. So, in a nutshell......everything?
Welcome, i'm in florida too. Its a bit chilly here the last couple of night, i had to pull out my sweater and coat today...still wandering around barefoot tho. What general region of Florida do you call home? I'm in S.W. Florida...the area suffering from red tide. I used to live up in Pensacola. The general cultural and food is a bit different from the panhandle to the s.w. coast. I imaging it is even more different if you are in the Miami area with the distinct cuban influence.
@oddduck I am in St Lucie County, so am experiencing the same water woes :( , but currently enjoying this refreshing cold snap. Wish it would last through the weekend so I could make some hearty cold weather food.
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