Hello from France !

I guess recipes do validate. I've never seen this as I always have mine properly formatted - at least, I think so.
Oh ok, i though with list of ingredient and some tips it was enough, i will post my recipe again with instruction ;)

Here is a great example of a recipe posted by a veteran member who also has a YouTube Channel. Forum members can read the entire recipe, and even see a photo, without having to go to his YouTube video, unless they want to.

Recipe & Video - Chicken Roulade

Hi! Welcome to CookingBites.

C'est bien qu'un Français soit venu ici. Dans ma jeunesse, j'ai passé deux étés à Menton 🏖️. [It's nice that a French person logged in here. In my youth, I spent two summers in Menton]. I loved "la pichade Mentonnaise" (the local tomato, anchovy and olive tarte). It was available on every corner. Yum, yum.
Bienvenue sur le forum :welcome:

Je crois que vous êtes la seule française ici ... ce sera bien de voir vos recettes et de voir vos commentaires sur les discussions. Pendent les années normales (sans Covid!) je voyage partout en France avec mon camping-car....mon mari et moi aimons la cuisine et le vin français :okay:
Welcome from SE Florida! I have been to several cities in France for business. Mostly sea side areas. I love the Papillion, black label, Roquefort cheese. I brought 2 kilos home from my last trip to Marseille.
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