Hello From Hollywood Ca.

Dive Bar Casanova

Senior Member
9 Mar 2019
Local time
9:01 AM
My mom was a war bride from the UK that immigrated to Hollywood Ca in 1946. War brides rented rooms from the locals. (Mom had lived here previously and was returning but that's another story for some other time).

If you drive the streets around Highland Ave and 3rd in Hollywood you'll see mint growing here and there.
The war brides brought it over from England and planted it around the neighborhood knowing you can't get mint sauce in the the USA. So they made their own. Only you and I now know that bit of trivia.

If you head to Zuma beach on a nice day in summer and just view over the low sand wall east of Food Stand #1, you'll see girls on blankets knitting. No one knits these days, especially in California. These girls are the great, great grand daughters of,, yes the UK war brides. Only you and I know that too.

Mom was a great cook and baker but I only have a few good recipes and have to keep at it until it's presentable and edible.
I love your story @Dive Bar Casanova! Welcome to CookingBites :welcome:. I hope you enjoy the forum. Please join in wherever you like. We aim to be a friendly and supportive forum and it really doesn't matter how experienced a cook you are - so long as you enjoy cooking!
Welcome. I'm familiar with LA LA land. I'd be careful of those green "mint" plants growing in Hollywood… lol. Zuma is beautiful. They have great fish tacos. I should pick up knitting again.
Welcome from me as well, my wife knits as well, she's got a pattern out ATM. Our niece has just had a wee boy. Cute as a button but I feel for him. Only been married 2 years and the marriage is just about over. Her husband is a real ass. I think she's knitting for the baby.


Welcome to CookingBites :welcome:

I both knit and spin my own yarn. I also hand dye the yarn I have spun. I like dyeing my yarn with the native eucalyptus . You never quite know what colour you'll get stewing it up on the stove for the day, leaving it to go cold overnight and washing it the next day . The bark is used the most, luckily the trees shed the bark often after rain storms (few and far between at the moment). Curiously the colour changes depending on how long ago the bark was shed.
I'm currently knitting 2 projects. One is portable (a pair of socks ) so it comes with me anywhere and the other is an Arran jumper for myself . I've not long finished an Arran cardigan that my husband asked me to knit for him in still waiting for him to find some buttons he likes to see on to it.
In between all that I also use the stove to cook and bake. We're getting towards the seasons where I can use the oven and stove again, aka it's cool enough to turn it on. I think next year we will finally be going full aussie style and getting a BBQ.

Anyhow enough of me , what styles of cooking do you like? Or what regions?

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