Hello From Houston!


17 Apr 2015
Local time
4:34 AM
Houston, TX, US
Hello everyone!
Glad to be here. My name is Torrey and I am a foodie!!!
I love food and everything about it. I love cooking it, buying it, buying pots and pans and utensils to cook it in, creating with it...and of course eating it.
I began cooking for my younger sisters when I was 13 and then in high school I took a Foods Pre Labs class...I've been hooked every since!!
My desire is to create new recipes and combine flavors most probably have not thought of. One day perhaps I may write a cookbook! But enough about me right now, lets talk about FOOD!!!!
Miss "Foodie" Torrey, welcome to the forum. You have come the right place. I look forward to seeing what you "bring to the table" with your background in food. I am always interested in learning when it comes to food preparation.
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