Hello to the whole CookingBites family and beyond!


Senior Member
6 Feb 2019
Local time
4:14 PM
Hi, there
Sooooooo... excited to be here and be part of your family! I have got a few cooking ideas and cooking problems to solve if i can. So please fill me in if you have any questions...or better saying, i will be looking at your posts ;) :p
Hi @sotastee and welcome to CookingBites.:welcome: Please feel free to join in any of our discussions or start new threads.. You could tell us what you ate today in our regular thread What did you cook, eat or drink today and we also generally have some fun challenges - see The CookingBites Challenges. We are a fairly 'low traffic' forum and so it doesn't take long to get to know all our most frequent members. I hope you enjoy.
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