Help choose 'Dish of the Month' for March

Ooh, the 'shroom discussion reminds me I have mushrooms picked by my lovely friend's mum in Slovakia, sliced and dried and sent as part of her Christmas package. Friend kindly gave me a bag full as she knows how much I love food (I've been teaching her to cook.)
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I've never tried sneaking foods that people say they don't like
I'm that way as well, I believe people have a right to say what they wish to ingest, and if someone says they don't like onions, for example, It's not up to me to decide that "oh, they say they don't like onions, but I'll bet they don't even notice," is ok by them.
OK - kebabs got seven expression of interest making it the lead choice. Risotto came in next so maybe that can be for next month. The good thing is that kebabs can be all veg, meat and veg, tofu, mushrooms etc. or all meat or even fruit - so most members ought to be able to find something to suit them.

Thanks everyone for your contributions. I'll post up the new Dish of the Month for March later today.
I'm that way as well, I believe people have a right to say what they wish to ingest, and if someone says they don't like onions, for example, It's not up to me to decide that "oh, they say they don't like onions, but I'll bet they don't even notice," is ok by them.

My dad did that once to a couple they'd invited for dinner. He told them the venison steaks from the deer he'd shot was beef. Right after the meal he confessed - and the wife of the couple excused herself immediately to the bathroom where she, uh, returned the entire dinner to the Porcelain Throne.

The folks did try to tell the child me several times that certain foods I didn't like were really something else that I did like - I was never fooled.
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