Hi From Parma, Ohio

Have to get healthy first, but thanks for the good wishes. I am just riding down the hill now and I want to enjoy it.

Any Ohioans around here like to play poker the old way I am starting a game.

Just did the registration. This place looks promising and I hope to contribute something. In fact today - I am not doing anything else. Sure I got work to do but self empoyed I can blow it off.

I hope y'all like things spicy !

I will add my "Welcome to Cooking Bites". I also like the international viewpoint of this forum. Over the past few years I have learned so many interesting things about food around the world from CookingBites. Keep posting and learning!
Just realized another thing I like about it here - no politics. Well if they affect food yes but only then. I am on a political forum, exclusive. I am also one of the best informed people out there, my sources are your sources sources. On some tings I get information not even on the news, ever. My sources are overseas or international. Sometimes I am privvy to real inside information.

A lawyer friend actually worked on Brexit so I had info on that before Brexit did almost. One thing I can tell you about that is that Iran and Russia are getting mighty cozy these days and could become a problem. And then of course China.

We will live in interesting times. (that is actually an old Chinese curse)

But no more about that.

The lack of that is refreshing. I obviously keep going back but then I need break.

So my lawyer friend is Polish to the max and a foodie. He enlightened me about Polish food, but I have a way to go before starting a thread about it.

A new development. I have lost my physical strength I mean to the point where i cannot get up from this chair, and thus have been sitting down here all night.

I am led to believe that much of my problem is the beer. It is only 5% alcohol but now I think the other 95% is no good either, and there is alot more of that. I also have ascities and the beer has lots of moisture.

There is a time when one's needs trump his wants and I think I am there.

Since I do not want to be a teatotaller I have another way.

A few years ago I tried gin and tonic and it wasn't bad. Proof you can mix battery acid with bleach and drink it. It doesn't quite have the allure of beer but it is alright enough.

And then we have red wine which millions of Italians drink every day. I used to like lambrusco, but my taste have gone so far to the dry side I might not like it anymore, but I hear there are dry red wines. We'll see about that.

Anyway, maybe I can find a happy medium between what I need and what I want. However I will not live a life I do not want.

For the heck of it. Attached is a picture of me. I see quite a few people unafraid to how their face, and neither am I. I a just really fond of the seven sided star that I made myself in a program nobody will ever have - Harvard Graphics. This baby has the ability to print govrnment letterhead, make it look oficial. I have ot yet abused that power, bu ti it is better to be able.

Now I learn how to attach picture...


  • me00.jpg
    126.4 KB · Views: 137
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I see I can't put things after the picture, or haven't figured that out.

That picture of me was a bit after a fresh haircut. Poor lighting but oh well.

This next picture is of my bench. My little business. Has made money but not lately because my health is not good. I get a few things done. My company name is Electronix Unlimited.

There is substantial money in the equipment, and you do not see all of it by any stretch. Up on shelves there is more, but how often do I have to measure something down to 0.0016% distortion ?

I also have an isolation transformer good for 1000 watts, and dummy loads that are close.

I have a student who takes some light work, much of it his actually.

Things could be worse. The problem is my health.



  • bench00.jpg
    232.7 KB · Views: 127
I see I can't put things after the picture, or haven't figured that out.

That picture of me was a bit after a fresh haircut. Poor lighting but oh well.

This next picture is of my bench. My little business. Has made money but not lately because my health is not good. I get a few things done. My company name is Electronix Unlimited.

There is substantial money in the equipment, and you do not see all of it by any stretch. Up on shelves there is more, but how often do I have to measure something down to 0.0016% distortion ?

I also have an isolation transformer good for 1000 watts, and dummy loads that are close.

I have a student who takes some light work, much of it his actually.

Things could be worse. The problem is my health.

The easiest way for me to do it is hit "Enter" a few times before you insert the photo. That way, the cursor will be on a different line when you type your message. Let me know if you need me to send screenshots to show this.

I think it's common for us to have health problems as we age. I feel like I'm 150 years old most days. I'm getting to a place of acceptance that I simply can't do some of the things I used to do so I can either cry about or come up with a Plan B or a Plan C or a Plan D, etc.. They key is accentuating the good stuff and letting the rest go.
After you click Attach files and your photo uploads, you'll see a little Insert button in the top left of the little picture. Click that, then Full Image, and you can get a full-sized image in your post.

And yeah, I'm 55 next month...don't believe those stupid Viagra ads; it ain't all bicycling through Vermont and hanging out it outside bathtubs when you get older. It mostly stinks. Bad knees, slower metabolism, prostate the size of a grapefruit...where do I sign up?
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And yeah, I'm 55 next month...don't believe those stupid Viagra ads

At about 50, I didn't need any help. I mean to be able to lift things...

Yeah, I was alright at one time, ran into a thing or two but I had my strength and balance.

On occasion physical mishap took me. I wiil not mention getting shott because I was young and in a few months it was as if it never happened, l Took a .38 about 1" under the left eye. My bones were always tough, and it looks like my bones deflected the bulet down to my neck, where it is to this day.

I was fine, I worked out. Later I got a used mattress and it was delivered in the rain. I slept on it for months. I lived up, the olman lived down and we split the bills except electric because of air conditioning. He died, I moved down and the mold was discovered when the docs could not figure it out. It was between the mattress and box.

Next was the fall. See we had bedbugs, the whole town did and they closed three schools over it. I got rid of my bed and was sleeping on a pile of blankets on the floor. I got up in the morning and fell straight down on my (_|_). STRAIGHT DOWN. This traumatised my liver, kidneys and even lungs apparently/. They tried to say it is all from drinking but I never had the ascities before. (retaining fluid in abdomen)

For a time I was good. Sparring. Man he never lost a fight, kicked me 20' across the room and I came running back and said "Do that again". He did, then i came back and said "That will do".

We came up with all kinds of unorthodox ways to work out, as a result for example you could knock a person out BEHIND YOU.

I did not name myself Terminator, my friend's kids did. And it stuck.

To be reduced to barely being able to walk is like, death to me.

But I ain't ready yet.

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