Hi from Southern England


Senior Member
8 Apr 2018
Local time
7:30 PM
Hi there,

I'm from Southern England and a very keen cook and baker, obviously I guess, otherwise I'd not be here :D There is always something new to learn in the cooking field, so many skills to master, and not enough time to get through everything I'd like to try (with my other hobbies - mothing being one of them hence the avatar). We are a fish eating/vegetarian household mostly, with one meat-eater. Tricky. I have a tendency to adapt/change and have invented a few recipes....but I do have many faliures and things can sometimes get thrown in a temper if they are dreadful. Looking forward to seeing you all around. :okay:
Welcome to CookingBites @Charys. :welcome: We are a very friendly forum, British run but with international membership. You will find that if you post a new thread you will almost certainly get replies - or you can simply join in with existing topics. You can tell us what you cooked or ate today in the regular thread: What did you cook or eat today (April 2018)? and we also have three fun challenges running at the moment (you just missed the prize challenge with the theme 'Cakes'). All entries are most welcome - see here:The CookingBites Challenges.
We are a fish eating/vegetarian household mostly, with one meat-eater.
A bit like here! My daughter is vegetarian with fish, son is vegan, partner a meat eater and me - I'll eat almost anything! The vegan thing has been most challenging for me but I'm getting the hang of it now. Like you I have failures and get very angry with myself when things go wrong.
with my other hobbies - mothing being one of them hence the avatar
I wondered out your avatar. - fascinating. Have you read The Moth Catcher? Its a book in the 'Vera' series. This book is my only knowledge about mothing!

:welcome: from someone who is extremely allergic to anything fishy! I am a meat-eater but can live quite happily on vegetarian/vegan food. I rarely have disasters (thank goodness), although I've had to rescue one or two dishes. However, I have a very accommodating gutbucket of a dog :D
Thanks for your welcome. No, not read the book.....from the book cover it looks a bit creepy....eeek. I'm more a of a 'field guide' sort of girl. lol
Thanks for your welcome. No, not read the book.....from the book cover it looks a bit creepy....eeek. I'm more a of a 'field guide' sort of girl. lol
Just thought you might enjoy it because of the mothing theme - which is central to the plot. Its just a murder mystery but I did learn a bit about mothing from it.
Hi there Charys, I am very fond of moths and butterlies but I don't do mothing, just wait to see what ends up in my bathroom. I don't know why they always seem to end up there.

I rarely cook anymore, my partner does it mostly, I used to be a very good cook but I seem to have lost the edge.

I am not a great meat eater, preferring to eat fish and seafood and vegetable. Welcome to the forum!
Welcome also, closest I get to moths is butterflies, I have monarch cacoons on my swan plants here. These are late as we are into autumn here ATM. First time I've grown swan plants for my grandkids.

Some astounding butterflies and moths in NZ....would love to see them.

Ahhhhh, so the book has a mothing theme, that sounds good......ok.....I'll look it up. Thanks Morning Glory. :okay:
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