Hi from Wales

Zoot Schmooter

Senior Member
3 Apr 2019
Local time
3:59 PM
Hi My name's zoot schmooter. I'm single & thoroughly bored of my cooking. I am good (damn nifty curry full of fresh stuff) & also very bad at it (when I cook sausages I swear when they fall over when I turn them). I live in wild west wales, UK.

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Welcome to CookingBites @Zoot Schmooter. Please feel free to join in our discussions wherever you like. There are quite a few curry lovers here (including me!). If you head over to What did you cook or eat today (April 2019)? you can see what members are cooking. We also usually have some fun challenges and 'cookalongs' running see: The Current CookingBites Challenges. I hope you enjoy the forum. We are a small community and you will soon get to know everyone if you stick around!
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Hi My name's zoot schmooter. I'm single & thoroughly bored of my cooking.

Welcome to CookingBites @Zoot Schmooter . I also get "bored" in the kitchen. In part, that is why I like this forum. There is no lack of imagination when it comes to recipes and menu ideas. For example, @morning glory created a vegetarian burger using Jackfruit. I had never heard of Jackfruit. A few google searches later and I was off to the local store to buy Jackfruit. Even though my first two attempts have been ... how should I put this ... DISASTROUS, I definitely was not bored in the kitchen.

Anyways, welcome to CookingBites.
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