The following photos define my living room/dining room (or more aptly, my den and photo studio).
This first photo captures the length of my recreation wall, containing my DVD/BluRay cases, mini refrigerator, microwave oven and the DVD/BluRay player and LCD Screen. There are three DVD BluRay cases, one being the big grey plastic cabinet at the end near the sliding door.
This is DVD/BluRay Case #1. It has on top of it, a queue of DVD and BluRay movies which I intend to watch in the coming weeks.
This is DVD/BluRay Case #2. My internet service router boxes are on the floor near it.
Here's my stack, the refrigerator, microwave, DVD/BluRay player and LCD Screen.
This photo is the Center of My World. I sit here, work on my laptop, watch movies, eat food, exercise my brain and do a whole long list of other things while reclined in that beat up old office chair which I have given a lot of a-ss padding.
Here is my photo studio setup. It is as it stands currently and is subject to change as needs be. Lighting in this room is very poor and I have used the strobes in continuous mode to help light the studio for this photo. I have three strobes in play here, one reflecting off the ceiling, one lighting the subject through a screen on the right side and reflecting off a reflector on the left and the third positioned above the main camera, reflecting off the inside of an umbrella reflector.
As I have stated, this setup can change often and I have a phalanx of light modifiers and light units to work with.