
Lindisfarne is the place if you want to try a bit of mead. I find it a bit too sweet, but honey does work in certain drinks.
Unless you are purchasing raw, unpasteurised honey you would be surprised as to exactly what has been done to honey you take from your jar.

There is a very good reason that honeycomb honey costs so much.

That's true I should've included that. That's why it's important to know where and how your honey was made. For me, living in a small city I get my honey from a neighbour who sells it in the town market. I can verify it's organic and non-processed because he cares for the bees in his own backyard and is a farmer to boot.
I spent some time pondering where one should put a thread about honey. No doubt, someone will come along and say "Ooh, it should go there," but it's here now, so that's the end of it.

Honey seems to be one of those love or hate things, so here's a simply question: honey yes or no?

I am not, in general, a fan of sweet foods or drinks, but I am not averse to a little honey now and then. I don't use sugar in anything, so if I need a touch of sweetness, then honey is your man. If I've got one of those colds that says, "Sore throat for you, my good fellow," then a dollop of honey in one's tea is excellent.

I don't bake very often, but now and then I have a bit of a splurge and usually slop some honey into the mix. And for those that want to try a beer that is both delicious and unusual, I'm recommend St Peter's Honey Porter. Just thinking about it makes me drool.
I like peanut butter and honey sandwiches from time to time, and also will include it in recipes that call for it. It is sad that most honey we purchase these days is not true honey, but some cheap Chinese knock off. Real raw honey nearly always includes part of the comb. Real honey is somewhat healthy however, as it is full of B vitamins and pollens which are helpful, but beats me in what kind of a way. Honey experts out there, please come to my rescue!
I do like honey! My boyfriend's family makes their own honey and have their bee hives so we always have their honey and it's delicious! I like it on bread, toasts, in my tea and I bake ginger breads with it! And it's healthy!:)
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