Household tips and tricks

Lynne Guinne

23 Mar 2017
Local time
12:42 AM
New England
After making a comment about alternate uses for shampoo, I thought we might like a thread we can share shortcuts we've found useful.

I have trouble with my hair liking a shampoo all the way through a bottle sometimes. In those cases, I re-purpose the shampoo into a shower and tub cleaner. Wet the shower walls or tub basin, smear the shampoo onto the fiberglass with a wet (but not dripping wet) sponge, and give it a little rub - little being the operative word here. Give it about five minutes to work, then lightly dampen the shampooed surface and give a little scrub with the sponge - I use one with a bit of a rough side, like you would use for scrubbing a non-stick pan. Rinse thoroughly and enjoy the shine.
Forget Brasso, use ketchup on brass & copper. Better shine afterwards.
To make glasses sparkle, rinse in cold water.

After handling fish, when washing hands, use cold water first to loosen the fishy remnants.

To make egg mayonnaise, grate the boiled egg instead of dicing it - gives a finer result.
That reminds me...if chopping chillies, rub a little oil into fingertips first. It then becomes much easier to wash off the chilli residues later.
If your clothes are creased but you loathe getting out the iron and ironing board, just spray the creases with water; they will become flat quite quickly (e.g. hours so need some thinking ahead!)
If your clothes are creased
just hang them up in the shower (coat hanger off the shower rail) after a shower... the humidity cause by the shower isn't enough to dampen the clothes but is enough to get creases out.

The same also applies to a tumble drier (if you have one) - if you need to get creases out of clothes, put a damp (not wet) clean T-towel in the tumble drier with the creased clothes... and turn the tumble drier on... (yeh I know...)
Don't bother with expensive kettle cleaners (or anything for removing limescale for that matter). Buy the cheapest white vinegar you can and use that instead. Use neat in the kettle, bringing to just under the boil - watch it carefully and only fill the kettle 1/3rd full if that - to cover the area that needs cleaning no more. It will boil violently, so kill the power just as it comes to the boil, now let it cool, repeat if needed (using the same vinegar) and then boil 1 kettle full of plain water to remove.
When making homemade cheese (3 ingredients, full cream milk, salt and vinegar), if you want a softer cheese, add single/double cream to the full cream milk. If you want a harder cheese, don't add cream at all, just use more full cream milk.
(you can't press the higher fat content curds anywhere near as well as lower fat content).
If you take a medication or vitamin once a day, turn the container over and stand it on its top after you take your pill. When it's time to go to bed, turn all the bottles onto their bottoms and start all over the next day. This way you don't have to wonder "did I take my...?"
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