How adventurous are you?

24 for me. No pig's ears, but have had pigs feet AKA trotters.

There are quite a few things on there that I don't consider "adventurous." There are several things on there though that I will never knowingly put in my mouth, like rattlesnake, brains, tripe and frog legs. I tried gator once and that was 1 too many times for me. I'd try durian, but I've only seen it for sale in a whole piece and I don't want to spend money on something that will probably end up in the trash from the descriptions I've heard. If I came across it already cut up in small pieces, I'd go for it though.

Yeah, durian, insects and brains are "no go" items for me. Gator tail meat is "tourist food" and tastes like slightly fishy chicken to me, especially fried. Meh. I liked frog legs as a kid (believe it or not), but not as an adult. Rattlesnake is another "tourist" food, like calf fries and alligator. Once is more than enough.

I've never tried Spam, but I have tried Underwood deviled ham and I can't imagine it's that different, which is why I've never tried it.
Two totally different animals medtran49 ... I won't go near deviled ham of any kind, but gimme a Spam Musubi and I'm in heaven!
26. Never had the chance to try durian or sea urchins, although I´d love to. I´m not interested in chitlins, gizzards, pig´s ears, squirrel, brains orcentury eggs, and I probably would only take a sneak bite of venison. Tried all the rest, however, with varying results. :eek: :eek: :hungry::hungry::yuck::yuck:
What two have you not had yet?
3 on the list I haven't tried are Squirrel, Crickets and Rattlesnake. I don't say I liked all the other ones I've tried, (my least favorites were durian and century egg) but if given the chance to try a new food, I don't shy away.
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No personal experience, but I have been told they resemble phlegm.
If your phlegm is the same texture as an oyster, either you are very sick and in need of antibiotics, or your only experience for comparison is with smaller oysters whose consistency is lighter. Either way, strangely accurate.:laugh:
And if you've never had them, the flavor is like a concentrated taste of the ocean.
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