How do I make my chocolate peanut oatmeal cookies more dense/firm?


Über Member
22 Apr 2017
Local time
2:46 AM
16 bars
Current ingredient list
1⁄2 cup skim milk
1 cup Kraft peanut butter
17g granulated sugar
1 1⁄4-1 1⁄2 cups of whey protein powder
2 cups dry uncooked oatmeal

When I make the cookies they're soft and spongy, so do I need to increase sugar? Do I need to add more fat ie butter? I've tried cutting out the milk and it doesn't make a difference.

Also Id like to keep the calorie count as low as possible, so if I need more sugar can I scale back on the oatmeal to compensate ?
More sugar will not make the cookies more dense. That looks like a very soft cookie recipe. You might try adding 1/2 cup of your favorite flour.

Alternatively, find a different recipe.
I wish that one specified the type of oatmeal.
More sugar will not make the cookies more dense. That looks like a very soft cookie recipe. You might try adding 1/2 cup of your favorite flour.

Alternatively, find a different recipe.
I wish that one specified the type of oatmeal.
Will the fat content effect the thickness ie if I use low fat peanut butter instead will they get softer?
Ok quick look at all my recipes. Add about a half a cup of flour and actually bake them at 350° for 10 to 12 minutes.
You are making dough not cookies.
16 bars
Current ingredient list
1⁄2 cup skim milk
1 cup Kraft peanut butter
17g granulated sugar
1 1⁄4-1 1⁄2 cups of whey protein powder
2 cups dry uncooked oatmeal

When I make the cookies they're soft and spongy, so do I need to increase sugar? Do I need to add more fat ie butter? I've tried cutting out the milk and it doesn't make a difference.

Also Id like to keep the calorie count as low as possible, so if I need more sugar can I scale back on the oatmeal to compensate ?
If you added the missing ingredient i.e. chocolate (melted) then I am sure it would all firm up when chilled.
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