How Do You Improvise in the Kitchen?

My most frequent improvisation/hack is Buttermilk. I cannot justify purchasing an entire container for 1/3 cup or a TBSP. I always have lemons and heavy cream on hand. 1 TBSP lemon juice + 1 cup cream. I rarely make more than 1/3 cup.
Another hack I like is citrus sugar. If a recipe calls for granulated sugar and citrus zest, I put the sugar and zest in a small food processor and pulse a few times. The zest is fully and evenly incorporated into the batter.
There are several items I make rather than purchase: Hummus, Tartar Sauce and Pimento Cheese immediately come to mind.

No rolling pin? No problem!

I have 2 rolling pins - 1 French roller and 1 standard - somewhere, but I have plenty of cans of vegetables and soup (which I rarely use, so I know they’re there).
In Colombia they call them patacones, in Venezuela, tostones. There's even a little kitchen gadget to "smash" them, like a wooden tortilla press, with a circle cut in the middle.
I don't care what they call them - I just snaffle them down.
I have a regular rolling pin and a French rolling pin. I brought the regular pin to the camp at Toledo Bend. I want a pasta rolling pin but do not want to pay the price so I will improvise and get a dowel cut to size and sand the ends smooth.
I use a piece of broom stick ;)
It's beech, sanded and works a dream
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