How do you take your coffee?

Used to drink pots of it at a time, in my younger years... sweetened with tons of sugar, and colored with so much cream that it would become a milky beige color. Lol. Now, I go black, and might add a bit of milk or cream if my tastebuds ask for it.
I love iced coffees also, I am a junkie for coffee in any form. I tend to ask for my ice coffee with chocolate milk as oppose to cream or regular milk. It's delicious don't knock it til you've tried it ;)
Nice! A good idea, the chocolate milk. And, hey.... a fellow Canuck! ;)
Nice! A good idea, the chocolate milk. And, hey.... a fellow Canuck! ;)

It is nice to see another Canuck here, I always feel like an outsider ;)

Trust me you will enjoy your iced coffee with chocolate milk.... hopefully :). It is the only way I drink it in the summer time.
I like to keep mines pretty simple and it is generally how most do there's. I like to get two teaspoons of sugar, some creamer, and down the hatch it goes. There are times where I like to get fancy but when it is 6am in the morning you have to keep it straight forward.
I am not a lover but I'll have a cup on the odd occasion. Maybe I'll have a cup this morning since since I stumbled on this thread. It happens. I see something discussed here and it's a reminder to give something a try.
I just prepare infusions at home with a french press. Good quality is hard to get when you are not experienced, doesn't matter if the machine is really great and the coffee beans too, if you can't operate that robot you will waste money.
  1. Coffee I make at home I drink with sugar no cream. When I am out and get coffee I do add cream to my drink because the coffee is usually stronger than I like.
I put milk or half an half in mine and nothing else. I do not like coffee with sugar. I think putting too much of anything in your coffee distracts from the flavor. I like to have a lot of flavor from the coffee itself. Once in awhile I will try a flavored creamer in the coffee.
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