How is the corona virus affecting you?

How the Corona Virus is effecting me.
Back in the day when I did some political strategy work for the Labor Party I met two Senators for lunch in Naples Florida. They were as they put it amazed about my knowledge and interest in American Politic. I made the rather prophetic comment "when America sneezes we get the flu" With all your wonderful talent and resources you should be leading the world in the fight against Covid.
To quote the great British parliamentarian Edmund Burke "“Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgement; and he betrays you instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.” –Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol, November 3, 1774." In my opinion this exposes the lack of due diligence by those who voted for Mr Trump.
A first shopping trip since face coverings were made mandatory in Scotland.
This is a re introduction of the law that was removed before success turned to failure.
This decision introduces the necessary measure of mandatory use of face masks or medical masks.
Face masks or medical masks are required to use:
employees of health care institutions and persons visiting patients, if visits are permitted
drivers, other employees in public transport and passengers in public transport
commercial employees and customers during their stay in stores
employees in the catering industry who come into contact with guests or participate in the serving and preparation of food, beverages and beverages
and other persons who are obliged to do so by special instructions and recommendations of the Croatian Institute of Public Health

The decision applies from 13 July 2020.
60,971 new cases of Covid-19 in one day. So, what is our President doing? Well, he's posing for pictures promoting products made by Goya, who's CEO praised him earlier this week. Not to be left out, Ivanka joined in, after telling unemployed Americans to look for different jobs. Yes, this is a political post, but it is also on topic -- How the Corona Virus is effecting me.

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I think this might have been a more appropriate Goya...

60,971 new cases of Covid-19 in one day. So, what is our President doing? Well, he's posing for pictures promoting products made by Goya, who's CEO praised him earlier this week. Not to be left out, Ivanka joined in, after telling unemployed Americans to look for different jobs. Yes, this is a political post, but it is also on topic -- How the Corona Virus is effecting me.

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This is exactly the kind of stuff, for me anyway, that just makes me shake my head and say, "What a dipsh!t."

I'm fine with differences in policy, I don't expect everyone to agree with me on immigration, or economics, or healthcare, that's ok, but this is just immaturity on full display, and the kind of stuff that, if I did support him, would make me stop.

That said, Goya does do a good job with canned beans.
Kroger and Walmart, two of the largest retailers in the US, now requiring masks. More states requiring them as well. Hopefully, this is a sign of the rest of the country letting the nonsense coming from the current administration go in one ear and out the other.
Kroger and Walmart, two of the largest retailers in the US, now requiring masks. More states requiring them as well. Hopefully, this is a sign of the rest of the country letting the nonsense coming from the current administration go in one ear and out the other.
Add Publix, CVS, and Target to the list of retailers requiring masks, regardless of location. The dominos are falling.
This is exactly the kind of stuff, for me anyway, that just makes me shake my head and say, "What a dipsh!t."

I'm fine with differences in policy, I don't expect everyone to agree with me on immigration, or economics, or healthcare, that's ok, but this is just immaturity on full display, and the kind of stuff that, if I did support him, would make me stop.

That said, Goya does do a good job with canned beans.

Fauci did predict 100,000 a day! 70 is getting up there!

Cities in Texas are renting refrigerated trailers to store bodies because their morgues are full. My city of Frisco reported 120 new cases last week.

I only saw two people today in stores not wearing masks. Both old white people -- Trump's key demographic.

In other news, the Governor of Oklahoma, who proudly stood (no mask) with the President at his Tulsa Rally, now has Covid-19.

Official change in UK Government position announced today:

Previously: "We are following the science" (aka, it's the scientists fault if it all goes wrong)

Now: "We are not following the science because the scientists have told us we don't have to" (aka, it's still the scientists fault if it all goes wrong)
Telling statement from Bozo:

"I must stress that the chief scientific officer and chief medical officer give us advice which of course we take very, very seriously, but in the end decisions are taken by the elected politicians."

Now, if my interpretation of this is correct, what he is actually saying is, "We don't take a blind bit of notice of what these people say. They are merely there to act as scapegoats when everything goes wrong. And when I say "elected politicians," I really mean Dominic Cummings."
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