How is the corona virus affecting you?

Well, it's in my backyard. I just got the call this morning at 6:30A. I tested positive. I feel okay except for some sinus stuff I get every Spring and Fall. This means that I have to quarantine for 14 days and can't have my outpatient surgery for at least 20 days out. I have NO idea how I got it as I no longer drive and only have contact with my caregiver and medical staff when I go for appointments or procedures.

You mentioned that your caregiver's daughter, son-in-law and two of her three grandchildren have tested positive. Are they doing contact tracing where you live. Contact tracers should probably be told about that. Your caregiver may be unknowingly spreading the virus.

Call your local churches and civic organizations to see if they have volunteer shoppers for people in quarantine.

Thanks Morning Glory. My caregiver had NOT been tested because she doesn't have any symptoms. She also was not exposed to her positive family members. She went to the hospital to get tested this morning but won't know her results for several days. In the meantime, she has to quarantine as she has two other clients besides me. They have been notified.

Thanks for your kind message.

Ooops, I posted too soon. Glad to hear some contact tracing is being done.

You mentioned that your caregiver's daughter, son-in-law and two of her three grandchildren have tested positive. Are they doing contact tracing where you live. Contact tracers should probably be told about that. Your caregiver may be unknowingly spreading the virus.

Call your local churches and civic organizations to see if they have volunteer shoppers for people in quarantine.


Thanks for the idea. I'll call around to ask about that. I missed a call from the health department in my county so I'll call them on Monday. I have enough food for at least a week, probably more. I don't eat all that much (an adult meal is about 2 or 3 for me). Fortunately, she just went shopping for me the other day. I'm gonna rely on you all to help me get creative with what I have on hand. ;-)

P.S. I think it's so kind of everyone to care. Without family, it's tough sometimes and I really appreciate it. :love:
mjd-lovescooking That sounds very hard for your caregiver and you for the positions you are in. I do hope you recover quickly from this.

Are you on facebook? You might find groups who can do shopping as caseydog suggested. Here people have set up local 'surviving covid' groups. These groups organise shopping, etc.

Thanks for your post. I am not on Facebook but my caregiver is. I decided to delete my account after the arduous ordeal with my ex. I will ask her to look into the options for our area. Thanks for the idea!

I called Walgeens (a drug store and pharmacy) and they offer free FedEx of medications so I got that covered. Whew. That's a relief because I would run out of some of mine early next week.
Thanks for your post. I am not on Facebook but my caregiver is. I decided to delete my account after the arduous ordeal with my ex. I will ask her to look into the options for our area. Thanks for the idea!

I called Walgeens (a drug store and pharmacy) and they offer free FedEx of medications so I got that covered. Whew. That's a relief because I would run out of some of mine early next week.

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own issues and worries that we forget about others. I hope you get everything you need, food meds etc..we are all here if you get lonely. :hug:
I don't understand why it will take so long for your caregiver to get results. I was tested two weeks ago and had my results in 15 minutes. Your local markets may not deliver but chains will. CD's suggestion of contacting church groups and civic organizations is a good one. Are you able to care for yourself without your caregiver? If not the Agency should have another caregiver available to help you in the interim.
I sincerely hope your symptoms do not require hospitalization. My thoughts and prayers are with you. 🙏
I wish I lived near you. I would deliver meals to your doorstep. :hug:
I don't understand why it will take so long for your caregiver to get results. I was tested two weeks ago and had my results in 15 minutes. Your local markets may not deliver but chains will. CD's suggestion of contacting church groups and civic organizations is a good one. Are you able to care for yourself without your caregiver? If not the Agency should have another caregiver available to help you in the interim.
I sincerely hope your symptoms do not require hospitalization. My thoughts and prayers are with you. 🙏
I wish I lived near you. I would deliver meals to your doorstep. :hug:

Thank you so much for your post. I was just about to post an update. My caregiver tested negative but she has to quarantine longer because it may have been too soon to test. I live in a very rural area (about 9K population) so all we have is WalMart and Aldi, neither of which offer delivery right now. She was kind enough to go shopping for me yesterday so I'm well stocked for a couple weeks now. I can manage without her as I don't have a supportive family so I'm used to managing alone. It's just harder. I did reach out to a local agency to ask for help but haven't heard back yet. So far, I do not have any symptoms except sinus congestion (I get it every Spring and Fall which is why I thought I was okay) and feel very fortunate for that. I wish I lived near you because I would have come to help you and your family after the storms. :hug:

How are YOU doing?
Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own issues and worries that we forget about others. I hope you get everything you need, food meds etc..we are all here if you get lonely. :hug:

Thank you Lullabelle. Yes, I have everything I need at the moment. My caregiver went to the grocery and pharmacy for me yesterday. She's an angel. Hugs back to you! :hug:

P.S. I've been meaning to tell you that I remember a woman that was the niece of our next door neighbor when we were growing up. Her name was Lullabelle. She was so sweet and would come babysit for us sometimes. She LOVED Hershey's with almonds and would sneak some to my sister and me. I think of her every time I see your name. ;-)
Thank you so much for your post. I was just about to post an update. My caregiver tested negative but she has to quarantine longer because it may have been too soon to test. I live in a very rural area (about 9K population) so all we have is WalMart and Aldi, neither of which offer delivery right now. She was kind enough to go shopping for me yesterday so I'm well stocked for a couple weeks now. I can manage without her as I don't have a supportive family so I'm used to managing alone. It's just harder. I did reach out to a local agency to ask for help but haven't heard back yet. So far, I do not have any symptoms except sinus congestion (I get it every Spring and Fall which is why I thought I was okay) and feel very fortunate for that. I wish I lived near you because I would have come to help you and your family after the storms. :hug:

How are YOU doing?
Monitor your symptoms. Any fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat get tested ASAP. With your health issues you can not ignore even mild symptoms. Take care.
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If you lose you sense of smell that is another red flag. My Niece has Covid. A very mild case with few symptoms. Her red flag was loss of smell. She was cooking gumbo and could not smell it. After testing positive her husband had the antigen test and he had asymptomatic Covid. They are both young (mid 30's) and healthy so their biggest problem is being quarantined for two weeks and trying to work from home with a 3 1/2 year old and a 2 year old. The babies can not go to day care for two weeks. YIKES! Those little ones are non stop energy.
Take care mjd-lovescooking . Better to test negative than not test.
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Monitor your symptoms. Any fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat get tested ASAP. With your health issues you can not ignore even mild symptoms. Take care.
Mrs B takes my temp every morning for the last year. It's always 36.2c so I really am cool.
If you lose you sense of smell that is another red flag. My Niece has Covid. A very mild case with few symptoms. Her red flag was loss of smell. She was cooking gumbo and could not smell it. After testing positive her husband had the antigen test and he had asymptomatic Covid. They are both young (mid 30's) and healthy so their biggest problem is being quarantined for two weeks and trying to work from home with a 3 1/2 year old and a 2 year old. The babies can not go to day care for two weeks. YIKES! Those little ones are non stop energy.
Take care mjd-lovescooking . Better to test negative than not test.

I have been tested. It was positive. I'm on quarantine for 10 days and can reschedule my outpatient surgery after 20 days.

I'm sorry about your niece. I live alone and don't have anyone to take care of but myself. I can't imagine taking care of two Energizer bunnies on top of being sick. Well, I can. I'm a mom of two and they were Energizer bunnies at that age. LOL I'm sending your niece and nephew-in-law positive energy for healing.
What's happening out here are people that tested positive, keep going to various other testing locations and retesting and retesting. All those positive retests are recorded as new cases.
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