mjd you are always very kind, I sincerely admire how your heart is so filled with kindness in spite of the difficulties you've faced. I'll admit I was hoping government restrictions would be a way for me to escape my Christmas "duties" but I guess I'll just need to deal with this like I do in every other year. And Christmas only lasts a couple of days, then it's back to normal, it's difficult but not unbeareable.
My grandmother is my biggest concern and I do keep my distance from her. Now that we live closer she's tried to pay me unexpected visits several times but I always avoided it, which made me feel like a b****, but I'd feel much worse if I had to spend time with her in my house everyday and I'd probably end up lashing out at her. When I moved here I was spending more time with her but she saw that as an opportunity to start paying me unexpected visits and I had to cut her off. She's my grandma and one of the few people who is there for me when I need (not financially) and I am there for anything she needs but I can't keep her company it's too destructive for me. My therapist says I have to make a decision, either I don't see her because I know it doesn't do me good; or I make the decision to go and visit her even though it doesn't do me good but I accept is as my decision and deal with it. So I see her once a week which is what is comfortable for me. My aunt sees her once or twice a week and other days she's always chatting on the phone with or visiting neighbors.