I think what's frustrating here as much as anything is that access to the vaccine is so random. In my county, very little information at all, in the next county over (where the rest of my family lives), they're registering everyone, and as soon as a person becomes eligible (and there's a vaccine), they get a call back.
I see news stories on TV of seniors in one state waiting in line overnight, but in another state, all you need to do is walk in at the local drug store, and if they've got it, you can get it.
We're struggling to even get good information, and my wife's sister, in another state, just walked into her local clinic and got the shot, no appointment, no registering - and she's not in a high-risk group at all.
They did report last night that CVS and Walgreens (the two biggest drug/chemist chains in the US) are gearing up to offer vaccines nationwide, so hopefully, that makes things a bit easier.