I forgot the funniest/saddest part (and indicative of the shambles this has been as a whole):Sounds like my neck of the woods. The local health department's favorite refrain..."We just don't know at this time." to just about any question posed.
I'm in a small rural county, so the health department is in a building about the size of a filling station mini-mart. They have four entrances, one on each side of the building. It's a square building.
Went to Entrance B, sign-posted for the health department. Inside, a sign said, "For the health department," please proceed to the transaction window at Entrance C."
Back out, walked around to Entrance C. Went inside, and there's a little bank teller-style window: "May I help you?"
"Yes, I have a couple of questions about the vacc--"
"The health department is Entrance B. Thank you!"
"Wait! They have a sign up to come to the transaction window at Entrance C."
"Oh. Well, try the transaction window on the other side of the building."
Walked around to the opposite side of the building. Tried the door. Locked. Walked up and down the sidewalk, looking in windows. A woman finally opened the door.
"Can i help you?" - she sounded quite annoyed.
"Yes, I'm trying to find the health department. I've been in B, that directed me to C, and I went there and was directed here. I just have a couple of questions for them about the vacc--"
"Well, we're in training right now. If you stand out here or wait in your car, someone will be outside in a little while."
Eventually, someone did come out, and at least I got my questions answered, but it was like some kind of absurdist comedy, walking around a building the size of a postage stamp, knowing that inside, it's just one big <bleeping> room.