How is the corona virus affecting you?

That's one thing though, and the rest of the rules are straightforward in your country. And this here is not about essential workers, but everyone.

All these new rules here contradict each other, and it seems they just want to get the numbers high enough to reinstate a full lockdown. Otherwise it makes no sense to annouce that we're going into full lockdown again if numbers go up, yet allowing people who are infected to roam around anyway.
Deaths in the Netherlands are falling literally like a rock right now and started from Dec 15th on, and we're talking 400% less death. The Plane from South Africa was on the 27th of November where 61 people tested positive. Omicron was first detected in SA on Nov 9th and I suspect that quite a few more travelers where getting into the Netherlands during this time frame.

The lockdowns your involved with now is from the climb in positive tests and hospitalizations starting around the 3rd week in October and peaked on December 6th which was the Delta virus. Don't remember when you said the lockdown started but it should have been sometime in late Oct. or November some time. During this time from the middle of November to December 6 Omicron increased to the point to started to become the dominant variant. Deaths lag for about 2 weeks as a proxy.

Basically Omicron has been the dominant variant in the Netherlands from sometime in December crushing the Delta high in November and I mean a lot more infection but at the same time death dropped like a stone and is now like I said 400% lower than on Dec. 13 when it peaked. And they continue to decline. This is where the ideologs, the gov't are getting confused but common sense would dictate that additional lockdowns now really make absolutely no sense, at all. It appears they seem to understand what's happening but they seem reluctant (look stupid) to do the right thing but in reality the general populous is not as stupid as they believe them to be and now you got major protests happening, which is exactly the correct response based on the data, people can see it, I mean I can see it and I only took a quick look and not actually living it. People are not stupid.
I'm not sure I agree with allowing infected people including nurses back to work if they are asymptomatic even if the population is at 95% (could be 93% can't quite remember) double vaxxed. Unions are not happy either.
It's either that or have no staff basically. In the US and many Countries are increasingly taking the extraordinary step of allowing nurses and other workers infected with the coronavirus to stay on the job if they have mild symptoms or none at all.

I think the basic problem is communication, or the lack of it. If this was happening with the delta variant they would never agree to allow that kind of transmission to happen, never. With Omicron it's a whole new world simply because most scientists and doctors believe omicron is the virus that allows up to live normally and omicron ends up being the 5th coronavirus humans deal with on a daily basis. The transition needs to be nuanced enough to avoid triage right now because it's still in it's initial infection stage so care needs to taken with letting go of restrictions. But right now if it's status quo as per delta, we'll soon have no staff in hospitals and when you look at the data, the incidence where a hospital worker has infected a patient that is in IUC is a rarity, so they are gambling, but like I said better communication is in order, I mean people aren't stupid, just be transparent and don't treat people like their idiots. You won't convince the covindians but you can't please everybody.
Wait--but did you read the part where people can go visit a prostitute as long as they wear a mask? :laugh:
I need clarification - is it just the procurer of these services who has to be masked, or the provider as well, because that can change some things. :eek:

All kidding aside, those are some very weird rules, and I hope we're all slowly approaching some return to normalcy soon.
Evidince in the UK points to the peak of Ohmicron having passed last weekend. Hospitalizations have been running below the best case predictions and ICU beds have not become overwhelmed. Restrictions in Wales and Scotland are being lifted and there is talk that all UK wide limits may be lifted by the end of the month. It looks like Boris Johnson's gamble with the lives of the English voters has paid off, not that he is any position to claim any credit, and he could be toast by Monday according to some political commentators.
I need clarification - is it just the procurer of these services who has to be masked, or the provider as well, because that can change some things. :eek:

All kidding aside, those are some very weird rules, and I hope we're all slowly approaching some return to normalcy soon.
Both need to wear a mask unless the prostitute is performing certain unspeakable actions I suppose.. but lets not get into that :eek:

And the prostitute can work if she's covid positive too if she's asymptomatic and vaxxed, so let's say it's a peculiar set of rules.
Okay, so I was wondering how I got symptoms before hubby did if he is the one that brought it home to me. We did have different vaccines (I Moderna, he Pfizer) and we are different ages and obviously different genders, but I tested positive and he tested negative. We've only tested once and are just riding this thing out.

I started feeling sick early Tuesday, tested positive Wednesday, and had a fever and fatigue, plus body aches. The fever was gone Thursday but I had night sweats that evening, not terrible but I never get night sweats. I escaped all those menopausal hormonal changes a few years back luckily, so it was quite surprising to me to sweat in my sleep. It was just that one night, thankfully.

Last night I had horrible insomnia all night and today I am sore and tired. Hubby slept the whole night through and we both crawled out of bed around 1 p.m. Hubby has had a low grade fever for the past few days and is tired and sore as well. He started thinking about it and said last Friday was when he had his night sweats, I remember because he soaked the sheets. We never thought to take temperatures back then because he had no other symptoms. So his symptoms happened before he went to the IAC to make wine with his cousins and he must have picked up the virus at one of the stores he went to or most likely while in the dentist's chair on Wednesday.

I did read that night sweats are a newly reported symptom of omicron. So apparently he did experience symptoms before I did, just not as we expected.
Both need to wear a mask unless the prostitute is performing certain unspeakable actions I suppose.. but lets not get into that :eek:

And the prostitute can work if she's covid positive too if she's asymptomatic and vaxxed, so let's say it's a peculiar set of rules.
So how did the day of disobedience go? Nothing is being reported in the British press at the moment, but then we have a couple of juicy scandals to focus on.
Both need to wear a mask unless the prostitute is performing certain unspeakable actions I suppose.. but lets not get into that :eek:

And the prostitute can work if she's covid positive too if she's asymptomatic and vaxxed, so let's say it's a peculiar set of rules.
What the heck is going on here? This is the first time I logged into this thread in a while and this is the first post I see...
I don't need governments, doctors or scientists for guidance. I have experts at two car forums and a cooking forum to guide me. What could possibly go wrong. :okay:

Didn't know you were interested in science, at least I've never seen you sighted any or basically commented on any in any depth. I've only ever heard you to say it's a republicans fault. :okay:
Didn't know you were interested in science, at least I've never seen you sighted any or basically commented on any in any depth. I've only ever heard you to say it's a republicans fault. :okay:
I never read that, much less heard him say it, LOL.
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