Disabled and Retired Veteran
flyinglentris - hey, is your rash getting better?
Yes. Now that I have identified the cause as being my use of Selsun Blue and discontinuing usage, yes, it is going away. I figure it will still take some time to clear up completely. When something like this happens to you, it is next to god awful worrisome, especially when you don't know what it is and your primary care doesn't either. The dermatologist appointment has a long waiting list too, so things were looking bleak, until I did some rationalizing and figured out on my own that Selsun Blue was the cause. I got lucky with my troubleshooting and damn glad that I am intelligent enough to be able to use my noodle in a rational and not reactive way.
It's an excellent example of how I remain cool, calm and willing to suffer without screaming for pity or whining for attention when affected by something like this. It's another case of getting through something bad in life that could have gone on for a long time, if I had continued to use Selsun Blue without knowing that it was the cause.