Both my husband and I had Covid back in January and about maybe acoupla months or so ago, my hair has been falling out at a shocking rate!
That happened to a friend of mine as well.
Here the shingles jab is free when you reach 65. I'm done.
Here, most insurance plans will cover it at 60 (I think), but if you want it before then, it’s on you and it ain’t cheap (ask me how I know…).
There are two available, the older one and the new shingrex two-shot. The older one is covered and is cheap, but both our doctors told us that it’s not very effective, while the new one is much more so.
MrsT is considered high risk for it (and everything else, it seems) so her doctor wrote a little letter for the insurance company, saying it was a medical necessity for her; because of her autoimmune disorder, should she get shingles, she’d have a worse-than-average experience with it.
Used to be, when a doc would do that, insurance companies would yield and cover it, but no more. They said, “Tough

, pay for it yourself or wait a few more years!”
We paid (for both of us).
The company rule now is that if you have covid, you treat it like a cold, if you feel fine then you can come back to work but keep a distance, if you are unwell then you are off sick as normal, there is no more covid pay just the normal standard sick pay.
That’s sort of what it is at my job now, with the added benefit that, if you can work from home, go ahead and stay home, but if you need to come in to do your job, having covid is no longer a good enough reason on its own.
It’s a lot more relaxed now. After MrsT was exposed, I checked up on the latest quarantine rules, and I expected a “stay home for five days” thing, something like that, but it was, “If you’re vaccinated, you've been positively exposed, but no symptoms, carry on like nothing happened.” - she quarantined anyway, and I cancelled a trip to see my dad in the nursing home, just to be safe.