Midlands, England
How are you both feeling today?
TVC is still poorly, I am fine thanks.
How are you?
How are you both feeling today?
Doing ok, can’t get the mower started, which is typical after sitting for two weeks.How are you?
My eyeballs itch.How are you both feeling today?
My eyeballs itch.
Are you feeling rough?
Nurse TVC at the ready.Yes, heavy cold, headache and blurred vision. At home feeling sorry for myself.
Well, here's a little oddity: I reported we were feeling sick in London, just the usual stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, and tiredness. That was nearly two weeks ago. We both tested (we brought tests with us!) and both reported negative. Tested again right after we got home, six days ago. Again, tested negative.
MrsT tested yesterday, and is now testing positive. I just tested again today...negative.
In the meantime, we both still feel very congested, but that's about it. She's having bouts of tiredness, which I got over days and days ago.
What's all that mean? Did we have covid early on, and got false negatives? Did we have just a regular bad cold/respiratory crud, but somewhere along the way, one of us got covid? Bad tests for one or both of us? Maybe I have covid and she doesn't? Maybe we both do/did, maybe neither? Allergies?
I'm glad they have these tests to definitively answer all these questions!![]()
Stage of infection
Another study estimated that the probability of an infected person falsely testing negative on the day they contracted the virus was 100%, falling to 67% by day four of the infection. If they took a test on day five, the typical day people develop symptoms, the chance of a false negative result was 38%, dropping to 20% three days after the onset of symptoms (or day eight since exposure).
Such findings emphasise the need to remain cautious if you’ve come into contact with an infected person, even if you initially test negative. They also highlight the importance of a multi-pronged control strategy, including quarantine measures for those exposed to the virus, and explain why many countries require travellers to conduct two PCR tests – one shortly before or after arrival, and another some days later, in case the first test misses the virus.
I always add a coupla drops of Mint Extract for DH to help get that down