That's exactly the path I took.I was raised conservative, but when I learned about the real world, I shifted left.
That's exactly the path I took.I was raised conservative, but when I learned about the real world, I shifted left.
That's exactly the path I took.
Actually, his supporters share a lot of your views. They don't like government. Consider poor people "lazy," even if they work two low wage jobs to try and make ends meet. Higher education "indoctrinates" young minds. They actually hate any form of public transportation, like rail. They want the ACA (Obamacare) destroyed (but don't touch their Medicare!) -- let the private sector run healthcare, and those who can't afford private insurance, well, too bad.
With me...I don't know. You tend to inherit your beliefs from your family, and I did for awhile, but I have to honestly say, never with hatred, and I think that's what did it for me - my folks (and the other elders in my family) really seemed to hate anyone who wasn't white, straight, Christian, employed, and around their income level.There is an old saying, a conservative is a liberal who has been robbed, and a liberal is a conservative who has been arrested.
Me... I'm a conservative who got cancer, and went bankrupt (and I had private health insurance).
If I may reply, it's really more complex than that. Are there people like that who support Trump? Of course. Just as there are some "lazy people who like free stuff" who support Biden. But that doesn't account for everyone.You never answered my question about trump supporters, did that sum up his supporters. ? Just something I was told.
With me...I don't know. You tend to inherit your beliefs from your family, and I did for awhile, but I have to honestly say, never with hatred, and I think that's what did it for me - my folks (and the other elders in my family) really seemed to hate anyone who wasn't white, straight, Christian, employed, and around their income level.
I never had that hate, and I think that's what kept me from turning completely to the dark side.![]()
If I may reply, it's really more complex than that. Are there people like that who support Trump? Of course. Just as there are some "lazy people who like free stuff" who support Biden. But that doesn't account for everyone.
My oldest brother supports Biden, but he's (my brother) a hardcore Libertarian, not a Democrat, he just sees Trump as a con man.
Next oldest brother is a teacher, had a master's degree in education, highly awarded in his field. Here, the stereotype is, if you're in education, you're a liberal. Is he? No. He's 100% behind Trump. He doesn't believe any of the crazy conspiracy stuff going on, but he believes Trump is trying to do the right thing.
There are nutjobs on both sides, and a lot of people on both sides who are voting against a candidate more than for a candidate.
There is an old saying, a conservative is a liberal who has been robbed, and a liberal is a conservative who has been arrested.
Me... I'm a conservative who got cancer, and went bankrupt (and I had private health insurance).
You never answered my question about trump supporters, did that sum up his supporters. ? Just something I was told.
I posted a reply. As for "are they all rednecks?" No. But, "rednecks" do overwhelmingly support him.
More times than I can count. He uses it as a business strategy.I don't get your bankrupt laws, here you can twice I think? Over there multiple times, has trump been bankrupt??
I don't get your bankrupt laws, here you can twice I think? Over there multiple times, has trump been bankrupt??
Trump has filed for bankruptcy six times.
The number one reason for bankruptcy in the US is medical bills people can't pay off. In my case, I made monthly payments of as much as 1,000 per month for about four years, and the banks charged me 29-percent interest, and would not work with me for a reasonable deal. I spoke to a friend of mine, who is worth tens of millions of dollars (owns about 30 cars, including a Ferrari F458 Italia, and a Ford GT) about my situation, and he immediately told me to file for bankruptcy. He had done it before. It's what wealthy people do to erase big debts. It's what Trump does.
I never want to do that again. It hurts. It makes people like me feel "dirty." I only had the medical debts discharged. I reaffirmed my home mortgage, and have never missed a house payment -- ever. My only debt now is my mortgage -- $516/month.
My sister had to do the same thing. She was in a severe car accident (jaws of life, air-evac) and the guy who hit her had no insurance.Trump has filed for bankruptcy six times.
The number one reason for bankruptcy in the US is medical bills people can't pay off. In my case, I made monthly payments of as much as 1,000 per month for about four years, and the banks charged me 29-percent interest, and would not work with me for a reasonable deal. I spoke to a friend of mine, who is worth tens of millions of dollars (owns about 30 cars, including a Ferrari F458 Italia, and a Ford GT) about my situation, and he immediately told me to file for bankruptcy. He had done it before. It's what wealthy people do to erase big debts. It's what Trump does.
I never want to do that again. It hurts. It makes people like me feel "dirty." I only had the medical debts discharged. I reaffirmed my home mortgage, and have never missed a house payment -- ever. My only debt now is my mortgage -- $516/month.
More complicated than here I'm picking. A childhood friend I grew up with was a good builder here.. Not so much a businessman. Bankrupt twice, I see he's a builder now in Colorado.
Here there's a stigma about bankruptcy. We also get people that use it to write off debts. A friend I knew booked a house lot of furniture, everything, then went bankrupt. I'm not friends with him anymore. Not because of the bankrupt thing, but I advanced him $800 to paint my horse float. It never got done, I moved on. Experience.!!