How is the corona virus affecting you?

Well, now that the Republicans have taken control of the House of Representatives, they have announced their intentions to investigate Dr. Fauci. He was the biggest proponent of masking, social distancing, and vaccines, and as we all know, that was a socialist plot to destroy the US economy. They will probably put Marjory Taylor Greene in charge of the investigation, as she would probably like to bring back public hangings for socialist traitors like Dr Fauci. :rolleyes:

Dr Fauci's main sin was being the voice of reason during the pandemic... the grownup in the room.

By pure coincidence, I stumbled upon some news indicating that in the US, Republican deaths from Covid have been much higher then with Democrats. A sinister plot by the left? Well, it has more to do with higher reluctancy to get vaccinated, mask usage, and social distancing. Also, more rural counties are more likely to be heavily populated by Republicans, while more urban areas by Democrats. Suburbs tend to be mixed.

Studies consistently find higher Covid death rates among Republicans than Democrats

By pure coincidence, I stumbled upon some news indicating that in the US, Republican deaths from Covid have been much higher then with Democrats. A sinister plot by the left? Well, it has more to do with higher reluctancy to get vaccinated, mask usage, and social distancing. Also, more rural counties are more likely to be heavily populated by Republicans, while more urban areas by Democrats. Suburbs tend to be mixed.

Studies consistently find higher Covid death rates among Republicans than Democrats

A lot of confounding variables in stuff like that. I did work in environmental toxicology for a few years and was amazed by how hard it was (maybe impossible) to come to valid conclusions when human populations were involved.

I'm not a member of any political party. Does that mean I'm doomed? :D
The plan is to get my bivalent shot Wednesday. The county health department in town has a walk-in clinic every Wednesday, no appointment necessary.
Finally! Two months after my invite I got a spot.

My 4th Pfizer jab.
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