Just booked Covid booster for me and my partner. The earliest appointment was November 4th so the uptake must be high. That's good.
MrsT tried to get it before going to Florida. She was talking with the pharmacist, and the pharmacist told her that as soon as they released the first round of appointments, they were all booked within a couple of hours.so the uptake must be high. That's good.
You hit the nail on the head,mate. we're ALL different.I DO KNOW IM DIFFERENT.
You hit the nail on the head,mate. we're ALL different.
Just heard this afternoon that my BIL had Covid in July. There's a bloke who lives the healthiest life I can imagine. Doesn't drink, never smoked, played squash till he was 60, always active, controlled diet, etc.
The Covid affected his internal organs and glands. For the last month or so, he's exhausted all the time. Goes in to work then comes home at lunchtime and straight to bed. Too whacked to do anything. Wierd, but true.
Not a hope in Hell, my friend. The orange-haired thing is a monster, and if it did get re-elected, I'd recommend you move to Caracas!You and rascal would make Great! MAGA members.
You hit the nail on the head,mate. we're ALL different.
Just heard this afternoon that my BIL had Covid in July. There's a bloke who lives the healthiest life I can imagine. Doesn't drink, never smoked, played squash till he was 60, always active, controlled diet, etc.
The Covid affected his internal organs and glands. For the last month or so, he's exhausted all the time. Goes in to work then comes home at lunchtime and straight to bed. Too whacked to do anything. Wierd, but true.
So what's all this stuff I'm reading about heart lung problems with people who had the shots??
I'd like to see the evidence for this in terms of hard statistics. There is a plethora of fake news out there about the vaccine and about Covid itself.
Just saaaaaying what I'm hearing on cnn and fox.
Always double fact check anything you hear on FOX.Actually, triple fact check it.