Yorky RIP 21/01/2024 Joined 3 Oct 2016 Local time 9:39 AM Messages 16,220 18 Oct 2016 #31 morning glory said: MSG.... Click to expand... The Thais and Chinese swear by it. I will not have any in the house (unless it sneaks in as an ingredient of a sauce).
morning glory said: MSG.... Click to expand... The Thais and Chinese swear by it. I will not have any in the house (unless it sneaks in as an ingredient of a sauce).
Morning Glory Obsessive cook Staff member Thread starter Joined 19 Apr 2015 Local time 2:39 AM Messages 48,504 Location Maidstone, Kent, UK 18 Oct 2016 #32 I think it just takes over the flavour of whatever it is in too much. Whether it is actually bad for you, who knows?
I think it just takes over the flavour of whatever it is in too much. Whether it is actually bad for you, who knows?