There are a total of four TVs in the house:
1. Ancient multi-system TV left over from our UK days, not plugged in and hasn’t been for nearly 20 years.
2. Little 13” flatscreen in the bar. Gets turned on maybe once every five years, no cable/streaming capability, just antenna, more for looks than anything else.
3. Maybe 42” flatscreen in bedroom, installed in 2010 when my wife spent the majority of that year confined to bed. Also no cable/streaming/DVD capability. This was the TV we’d turn on for the dog when we’d leave her alone. Hasn’t been turned on in over a year.
4. 50-something” flatscreen in living room, at least 10 years old. Antenna, DVD, and AppleTV box for streaming. This is the only TV that gets used with any regularity.
I should have been clearer about the hours in a day we watch it. That’s the number of hours it’s on, but that doesn’t mean we both are actively watching. When I watch my daytime movie, I’m almost always on the treadmill. MrsT will be sat in the living room, but not watching the TV.
When the TV comes on at 5PM for the evening, I’m usually in the kitchen. I’ll listen during news and weather, but after that, I tune it out while she watches something of hers. I’d guess our “together” viewing starts around 6PM and lasts until around 10PM.
I don’t remember when or why we got Netflix. I think it was when we ditched satellite service (DirecTV), maybe not. Actually, we got Sling to replace that, then Netflix shortly after.
AcornTV and Britbox are both streaming services with British (and some Canadian/Australian/New Zealand) content, so those were must-haves for us.
Starz, Disney+, and AppleTV+ were all free for a year. Disney+, MrsT would have definitely bought that anyway, because of all the Star Wars and Marvel content, Starz is only for Outlander, which does eventually show up on Netflix, so that won’t be renewed, and we were both pleasantly surprised at the content on AppleTV+ - we expected to ditch that after a year, but there are several programs we watch on that (Ted Lasso, Foundation, The Shrink Next Door, Afterparty, and we’re due to start Severance, and we have a very German Expressionism-influenced Macbeth coming up that we can’t wait to see.
MrsT is out of town for a week starting today, so expect my TV hours to bump up into double digits. I have to get in all the shows/movies I like that she won’t watch.
A common conversation at our house:
MrsT: You can pick the movie tonight. You’ve had a really long week at work. Anything you want.
Me: Anything?
MrsT: Sure, whatever you like.
<clicks on movie to read description>
MrsT: We’ll, I’m not watching that.
<clicks on another movie>
MrsT: Really? That? You can’t be serious!
<clicks on another movie>
MrsT: That just looks dumb.
Me: Anything I want, huh?
MrsT: Yeah, I don’t care.