How Often Do You Make Several Dishes For Future meals?

It depends from week to week.

Tomorrow I am cooking a pastured ham. It's heavy and will last several meals, dunno how many, and some will end up back in the freezer for the future. One portion will end up in a Pasta Salad for a challenge here.

Before I retired, I'd make most of my lunches for the week on Sunday (sometimes Saturday). SO, some of those specific parts of a meal would end up showing up for three - four workday lunches. I'd vary around seasonings and sides most occasions. I stopped microwaving there in plastic and bought those glass containers with plastic lids - that I'd take off and cover with paper towels when time to nuke there.

Right now, I am still trying to get used to having my grocery 35 minutes away from me - but I do have a freezer full of pastured local meats. And back yard hens who are giving me eggs. I don't care if I have bread or milk here, but I do store many things in both the root cellar and the pantry.
I use plastic tubs in the microwave.... :ohmy:
You're doomed! DOOOOOOMED!!! :)

I wouldn't worry about it too much. In my day, pregnant women smoked non-filtered ciggies and broke the tops off beer bottles to have a drink. If that didn't hurt me, no little ol' plastic tub in the microwave will worry me.

That said, about all I use the microwave for is to melt butter. :)
Hey MG, another idea for a thread "Microwave Recipes". Has that been done?
I have several wanted foods that I prepare and freeze like croquettes, I usually make a batch of 40 and freeze. If we are having I normally take 10 out so I've got lots there. Same with samosas vege and meat, I make about 40 as well for the freezer. I don't like to just make a small batch, I guess I'm lazy,lol.

I do, a lot. We eat, I make lunches to freeze for the Hubby, I freeze some for those days that get crazy.
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