How often do you misplace things while you’re trying to cook?

This happened two days ago, I made southern fried chicken, I served it with Japanese Mayo, it comes in a squeasy bottle. I knew we had a bottle near empty in the fridge, and wife said she bought another bottle as it was on special. I knew I'd use the part bottle up so I looked for the new bottle. I looked everywhere at least three times. Rand wife and she said its there. Looked again. I gave up. Wife got home from work and I said it's missing. She went to the hall pantry and in 2 seconds found it. I was looking for the white bottle it comes in. It was still wrapped In the plastic package, not what I was looking for, wife says its man eyes. I don't see what's in front of me.

After 18 years my wife now returns the majority of utensils to their rightful home. However, there are annoying times when she does it before I've finished using the item.

As for ingredients in a dish, I find I have to bring all the added ingredients into plain view to ensure that I remember to add them.

One morning last week, I took a spoonful of instant coffee from the coffee jar and then put it back in the jar instead of in my mug.
Before I get into my topic, I have two questions: why can’t I edit the subject line, and why can’t I delete my post? I realized after I posted that my voice to text made the word “misplace” appear as “miss place”, and I can’t do anything about it. As someone who graduated from college with an English language major, this is disgraceful for me.


As I try for the fifth time now to find my phone, I’m wondering this. If you’re one of these people that creates mise en place every time you create a recipe, I’m impressed. But, I’m not you.

When I make anything, I get all the ingredients out that I need, I get my cutting board, I get my knife, I get my measuring cups, and I still constantly misplace things in the whirling dervish that I become. I always end up setting the spatula down somewhere, and forgetting where I put it.

Maybe it’s my ridiculous late start times, but I’m guessing not everybody is completely organized, or that things go flawlessly, when they’re preparing a dish.

I always forget where I kept the knife when cooking the last meal.
I am the opposite of mise en place. I enter the kitchen with a basic idea of what I want to cook and then expand from there. So for me, I don't "misplace" anything per se'. I just use something else if I can't find what I want.

The closest I come to the idea of misplacing is when I think to myself, "I know I bought a bottle of <insert item name here>. I wonder where I put it?"
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