A few years ago, I would have said that using a smart phone all the time was something that young people did. But, I was visiting my dad in the hospital (he's okay now) when I saw something that opened my eyes. At the elevator, I saw an elderly priest, a woman in a business suit, a burly male construction worker, and a teenage girl. This sounds like the setup for a bad joke, but what these otherwise very different people had in common was that
all of them were using smart phones.
I didn't realize until that moment just how ridiculous I am with my phone:
- I'm watching a TV show, and I recognize an actor in the show. In the past, I would have brainstormed with my wife to figure out who he was. Now, I just look it up on my phone. I've found that I have to know this sort of thing immediately!
- I'm at the supermarket, and I see that cherries are still very cheap. In the past, I might have bought the cherries, and then later tried to figure out what to make with them. Now, I pull my phone out, and I look up potential recipes with cherries.
- If I'm waiting in line for something or other, there's no staring off into space and trying to will the line to move faster. Instead, I look up the news of the day, or play a game on my phone to pass the time.
- Even if I just have 5 minutes before a meeting, I might spend 4 minutes and 55 seconds of that time on my phone.
What I don't do is stare at my phone the whole time I'm having a meal with my family. I consider this to be disrespectful, but my teenagers don't seem to see it that way (and, they don't seem to see me, because they're so busy looking at their phones).
I know the people on this forum aren't all young people, so I expect the results here to be pretty telling.