A proper restaurant? Maybe... twice a year? When I eat out it's mostly at a pub or fast food... I really don't like restaurants. It's too... classy for me, not my thing at all.
Other than that I really love to cook myself so that already means that I only eat out on special occasions or when I simply don't have the time to cook.
How are you able to eat in a restaurant twice a week and always order the same thing?
I know exactly how you feel. Honestly... last time I went to a restaurant was because I was visiting a foreign country with a friend and she pretty much dragged me in there. This was maybe 6 months ago. Pub lunches are great and I've recently started to enjoy tapas bars.I feel the same about proper restaurants. I can't get stuck in and enjoy the food like I normally would because I feel like you get judged in those places haha. But I love having a lovely pub lunch or out to a little restaurant for some casual dinner. I don't get to do it that often because I'm saving up at the moment but I usually try and go at least once a month if I do have the money.
I know exactly how you feel. Honestly... last time I went to a restaurant was because I was visiting a foreign country with a friend and she pretty much dragged me in there. This was maybe 6 months ago. Pub lunches are great and I've recently started to enjoy tapas bars.
Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! I love a good pub lunch and some of them are really good now. There is a local one near me and it serves five star food and it looks absolutely beautiful. Lots of fresh seafood and ribs. Mmmm, it's my favourite.
I have never been to a tapas bar, what sort of food do they serve? and is it good? Think I will have to try it sometime :P
Near London, in the UK. I do feel full up when I go to restaurants but I think this is because I eat so slowly because I am trying to be very careful with everything and not offend anyone haha.
Oh wow the tapas bar sounds amazing! I'm getting so hungry just thinking about it. And I can imagine getting quite full from a round of these.
That is a good plan. However I don't really eat that much during summer and prefer restaurants in winter time, something about looking out of the window and seeing the cold, hopefully snowy world while yourself being in a warm spanish ambiance. :pMmm, I really love the sound of these tapas bars and I think I will try one out next summer. A nice hot day, a cold drink and beautiful food. That's always my favourite combination