How would you feel if your husband said that he does not like your cooking?


3 Dec 2013
Local time
6:16 AM
Southeast Asia
In a marriage relationship there will always be ups and down. Like for example when it comes to cooking and after all your time and effort cooking a meal for your husband then he will tell you that he does not like what you cooked for him. If the situation is like this how would you feel if your husband said that he does not like your cooking? Will you get angry, upset and sad? Or you will treat those words of discouragement from your husband as you way to strive more and never give up cooking for him until you learn what will pass to his taste when it comes to cooking and foods.
If my husband told me and kept telling me he doesn't like my cooking, I'd tell him to cook his own dinner. Helping someone, is one thing, simply criticising someone is both unhelpful, and soul destroying, and often will make someone more and more stressed at the very thought of cooking for him for fear of his criticism.

Some peope can be very critical without realising they are doing it. Some are control freaks, and some are genuinely thinking they are helping, but aren't going about it the right way.

Does he do this with every meal? Or just one or two things that you cook. Cooking should never be confined to just one person. There will always things that I cook better than Mr WD and vice versa. A bit of give and take is required by both parties. Good luck.
My ex would come into the house and start to add stuff to the meal I cooked until it did not look or taste like the meal I have cooked. At first it made me mad then I looked forward to him coming home and start to cook. He is a good oook. When he comes to town now he still cooks at least one meal for us, he likes it and we like it. My youngest daughter does not cook well and does not cook for the family, her husband does the cooking, he had to learn to cook after they got married.
My ex would come into the house and start to add stuff to the meal I cooked until it did not look or taste like the meal I have cooked. At first it made me mad then I looked forward to him coming home and start to cook. He is a good oook. When he comes to town now he still cooks at least one meal for us, he likes it and we like it. My youngest daughter does not cook well and does not cook for the family, her husband does the cooking, he had to learn to cook after they got married.

It would make my blood boil if he did that to me but that's just me...
My partner is like that. At first it really bothered me because I raised my family and cooked for them for 20+ years before I met him and I got lots of compliments on my cooking. He likes his things his way when it comes to cooking. He is a very good cook fort he most part but he has cooked things that I don't like but I don't say anything. I just eat it. He on the other hand has no problem with telling me if he doesn't like something I cook. He does tell me when its good though. I am at the point now where I just let him do most of the cooking.
Being the husband it isn't really a problem but if the roles are reversed then the answer is simple - 'cook your own if you can do it better'. The advantage is that if he does do it better you can let him get on with it and one less job for you or just bite the bullet and let him teach you - if he doesn't then point proven - win-win
I think it would depend on the situation - if I'm trying something new then its always possible that neither of us will like it :giggle: or that one of us will like it more than the other - in those situations I'd rather he was honest if he didn't like something.
Usually though we sit down together and decide what we're going to eat so it would be very unlikely that he would turn around later and say he didn't like it.
I'm sensible. I don't do marriage and I therefore don't have a husband (or wife) to complain! :D

What are you saying about me Morning Glory? Someone should have stopped me?:cry:Anyway my husband knows not to knock my cooking so as not to be knocked out:blackeye:. Seriously though, if my husband doesn't like something I made I probably didn't like it myself so often if I made any errors in the kitchen I am the first to make the announcement.

Sometimes you never really know for sure what you would do in a particular situation but if I had an ungrateful complaining husband, I suspect he might not be my husband for long or he'd have to think twice before eating anything I cooked. Figure it out.
I would appreciate the honesty I would rather hear some feedback that would help me do better next time. There are some people who would make you believe in their empty flattery which does not help at all. However, if the feedback was provided in a complaining manner then I would tell my partner to go get a life and learn to cook your own.
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