Howdy from Texas!


Regular Member
16 Aug 2020
Local time
12:59 AM
Hope everyone is doing great this evening! At 3am I'm sure most of you are all sleeping but I couldn't sleep so I figured ehh its ONLY 3am why not join a food forum!:typing: So here I am. A little about is my thang!:cook: Since I was a kid one thing I enjoyed the most was being in the kitchen with my Grandma, Mom or Aunts. Homemade everything! That good 'ol Mexican cooking was what I grew up on--tamales, chile rellenos, huevos rancheros, enchiladas okay I'll stop there :hungry:. Now as an adult Mexican food is still my thing (among others) but I like to find healthier alternatives and ingredients...less sodium, less sugar, etc. but still try to keep all the nostalgic flavors I grew up on. I always worked in offices, always behind a desk until I decided to change that. I wanted to aim for that "job" people say doesn't feel like work cause it makes you happy. So here I am now as a Bakery Director! for a sugarfree/keto friendly goods bakery and in the process of starting a food trailer! Finally doing what I love...being in the kitchen. Baking was second to cooking but hey I was okay with my cards being dealt a lil backwards :smug: because it only brought me to where I am now.

I've been looking for a good forum to join so I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and see the goodies you are all creating in your kitchens these days. Plus, I can't wait to share some of mine too (I love taking pictures so "yall" get ready!)
*Hasta manana everyone OR Buenos Dias :coffee: to those in other parts of the mundo 🌍🌏
Welcome to CookingBites Cookingfoodie :welcome:. We are a friendly UK run forum with a diverse international membership. There are quite a few fans of Mexican cooking here. In the UK, Mexican cooking has only relatively recently gained popularity. Growing up, I wouldn't have even heard tamales, chile rellenos or enchiladas! Please feel free to dive in and join our discussions and chat. We generally have some fun challenges or cookalongs running which are open to all. Currently, The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Tahini and Dish of the month: Croquettes (any shape!).

Its very ambitious of you to be opening a food business in the current situation. I wish you good luck and hope you will tell us more about it as it develops.
Hi from Sydney Australia where it would have been about 6pm when you posted. I don't know much about Mexican food so looking forward to your posts
Welcome! I too love Mexican and Tex-Mex food. I've made a Oaxacan Mol;e Negro from scratch a couple of times. I think, excluding the chicken, there were 26 ingredients.

Recipe - Oaxacan Mole Negro

There are some chilis I'd love to get my hands on from that state which aren't commercially harvested.
There are some chilis I'd love to get my hands on from that state which aren't commercially harvested.
Get down to this place, I would bet they will have them. "arrangements can be made with the management for collecting seeds and cuttings suitable for planting. A staff of experts conducts classes, workshops and botanical tours on a year-round basis". History – Fruit & Spice Park
Welcome from the Dallas area! I don't do much Mexican or Tex-Mex cooking, although I want to. I do make and eat a lot of tacos, because they are good, easy, and quick. They are also a great way to use up leftover meats.I usually make a fajita-style taco, but sometimes make some "street tacos."

Look forward to your contributions to come.

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